Ken Wilber – SuperHuman OS
Ken Wilber – SuperHuman OS
Ken Wilber – SuperHuman OS
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Ken Wilber – SuperHuman OS
Experience a Life Changing LIVE and INTERACTIVE 10 Week Online Training With The Renowned Author, Teacher and Philosopher Ken Wilber, to Install The World’s Most Advanced Human Operating System and Activate Your Unique Greatness…
The live course registration is closed. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it There is self paced training available.
Adult human development is at a tipping point.
You are on this page because you are reaching a tipping point in your evolution. There is a tipping point where you move from what the renowned developmental psychologist Dr. Abraham Maslow called esteem needs to self-actualization needs.
Your boredom with life, your frustration with the day-in day-out grind of it all, your nagging dissatisfaction with life as it is, are proof that you are ready to begin the process of self-actualization.
You’re ready to stop playing small. To stop being a part of the machine. You are ready to fulfill your potential. Invest the time, energy, work, and resources to become the best version of yourself.
You are ready to be your best self.
A message from a man.
I created a new approach to my life’s work that I think is terrific.
We want to spread the good news about this approach and give a new introduction to it.
I hope that you will join me in my quest to grow body, mind, heart, and spirit in self, culture, and nature.
When compared to how you feel right now, you are ready to leap into a new relationship with your life.
This isn’t just a concept. There is a new type of evolution happening within humanity according to researchers from around the globe.
Approximately 5% of the world is breaking through to a new stage of human evolution. You experience an increase in efficiency, effectiveness, and capabilities far beyond that of the average person when you reach the new self actualization stage.
This new level of development is referred to by some as superhuman, and you are standing at the front door of this new way of living, this new way of being.
Your journey is about to start.
There is a monumental leap in meaning.
This is a spider bite. Your call is to embark on the most heroic journey of your life.
The moment you begin the process of becoming a superhuman is right now.
Your current frustration is due to this. Actually. It was the best news you could hope for. You will gain the ultimate competitive advantage in nearly every aspect of your life.
After you acknowledge the obstacle, it’s easy to overcome it.
You can. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If you don’t achieve your potentials, you won’t. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I don’t know what they are.
You can never fully actualize your potentials if they remain hidden from you.
You can’t practice, grow, change, transform, or become what you don’t know.
The first barrier to the unfolding of your highest human capacities is this. You can only get to the edges of what you know. Without a specific way to see the complete blueprint of what is possible for your life, and the overall terrain of who you can be, you remain stuck and blocked off from the higher dimensions of true greatness.
To become the greatest version of yourself, you must step onto a pathway of practice, growth, and change. If you don’t know what you can do for yourself, you can’t take the first step.
That’s right. The development of one is sincere. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, s potential. …
The development of one’s potential is the function and duty of a quality human being.
Bruce Lee
A legendary martial artist.
That’s right. It would suffice to solve most of the world. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, There are problems. …
Most of the world’s problem would be solved by the difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing.
There is a man named Mahatma Gandhi.
Revolutionary and activist.
That’s right. One. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, One is the only rival. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Potentialities of their own. …
One’s own potentialities are the only rival. Failing to live up to one’s own possibilities is the only failure.
The man is Abraham Maslow.
Aenowned Developmental Psychologist.
Unless you show the full spectrum of your potentials. … It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it They will not be available to you.
There is an easy way to change this. A comprehensive method to illuminate all of your potentials and understand exactly where you are in your current process of development is all you need.
You need a complete human diagnostic system that shows potentials in real time.
Once you know where you are in the spectrum of development, you can use the tools, practices, and technologies to cultivate your dormant abilities, transform your weaknesses, and leverage your strengths in order to become the greatest possible version of yourself.
You can break the mold you have been stuck in, illuminate the full array of potentials that you have, and rewrite life in ways that are most important to you if you have a specific, proven method.
To illuminate your own potentials and shine the light of awareness on what is actually possible for your life is the solution.
How do you do that? You can upgrade your human operating system.
What is a human operating system?
Our brains have a lot of neural networks. Neural networks evolve over time, they are changeable, and they define the way we think and what we believe is possible for our lives.
The hardware of our potential is how our brains work. Our extraordinary human brain supports every single thing that is possible for us.
The hardware is nothing without the software. The software changes the way your brain is structured.
Let’s do it. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Take a look at some examples of mental software.
The first letter of the alphabet. The software gives you the ability to translate written language into sounds and meanings.
There are numbers. This software gives you the ability to count, quantify, and perform mathematical equations.
There are calendars and clocks. This mental software gives you the ability to translate symbols into a sense of time so that you can schedule and plan your life.
The directions are from the Cardinal. The ability to navigate the physical world without getting lost is given by this mental software.
We use these examples of mental software every day and don’t give them a second thought.
We don’t have to think about them because they are mental models. They change the way your mind works and the way your brain is structured. You don’t need to think about these mental programs again.
It is easy to use mental software once it is installed.
Your operating system is the sum total of your mental software.
Your individual operating system is your aggregated network of mental programs.
It is possible to know the exact day of the year without having to calculate anything with the stars, or to be able to translate symbols into meaning, thanks to your mental software.
If our ancestors did not have these powers, you would already be a super person.
You are at a different point in your development than someone who doesn’t understand the alphabet. Human growth is at a tipping point.
Here is what it takes.
You need to upgrade your operating system.
The ability to make something vast and incomprehensible is what the power of any mental software upgrade is. Any word can be turned into a simple combination of letters by the alphabet. This is what the mental models do. This is what the Superhuman OS does when it comes to human growth and evolution.
For the rest of your life, the Superhuman Operating System permanently installs in you the ability to diagnose your own growth.
You will illuminate potentials that you don’t know about when you upgrade your operating system. 98% of the world doesn’t know they have potential.
Nearly every human being has these potentials. Only a few of the most obvious ones will be activated by most humans. This is how most people live.
The full spectrum of your potentials can only be called superhuman if you bring online, illuminate, and begin to activated. We can see in clear detail the vast array of what is possible for us, for others, and for the world byUpgrading our operating system with mental models.
The process of awakening to your highest potentials begins when you upgrade your operating system.
Five mental software installations are needed to upgrade your human operating system. You will discover new possibilities once you install these mental frameworks. You will have a better understanding of the world. Tools, information, and practices will help you become the best version of yourself.
By installing Superhuman OS, you can cultivate the skills, talents, and capacities to be the greatest possible version of yourself.
Continue reading to find out what is in Superhuman OS.
Ken Wilber is the creator of Superhuman OS.
It’s possible that you’ve already heard of Ken Wilber. You will if not. A lot more. He has impacted hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and has been praised by Bill Clinton, Anthony Robbins, and many more.
His beginnings were modest. Ken was interested in the human condition from a young age. He was not getting the answers he was looking for from his professors when he was a master’s student.
A 40 year quest to understand the human condition began when he left graduate school.
He set out to study every single map of human growth, development, and potential that he could get his hands on, from every discipline that had ever produced any material on what it means to be human. From science, to religion, to psychology, to education, to ecology, to economics, and so much more.
This operating system is the culmination of his life’s work, and he has made many major breakthrough over the years.
Tens of thousands of leaders worldwide have learned from the five frameworks he teaches. Ken was one of the most influential teachers in the world. For the past decade, this new generation of leaders has been applying this operating system in a vast array of domains, ranging from politics, healthcare, addiction recovery, criminal justice, climate change and so much more.
The Superhuman OS is the result of decades of research, and is considered by many to be one of the most important tools of understanding ourselves, others, and the universe. You will know exactly what this means when you install the Superhuman OS.
The impact of Ken Wilber is spoken of by luminaries. …
That’s right. The guy is a genius. …
I don’t think there is a human being alive that has developed a more comprehensive theory of life, psychology, and spirituality.
The man is Anthony Robbins.
The world’s foremost transformation expert and self mastery trainer.
That’s right. Ken is a teacher. …
Ken is a teacher. His work is important. Who can take a serious role in our individual and collective evolution who is not familiar with his work?
There is a person named Marianne Williamson.
Renowned Author, Teacher, and Congressional Candidate.
” I couldn’t. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, More than Ken, endorse a body of work. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, s …
I could not endorse a person or a body of work more than Ken. If you go through this work, you will have awakenings that are profound and will give you a new view of yourself.
Eben Pagan
Peak performance trainer and online business expert.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In this 10 week live and interactive training, you will learn.
Ken will guide you through the fundamental installations and applications of the Superhuman OS that you will need to illuminate the full spectrum of your potential and cultivate the greatest possible version of yourself in this 10-week live and interactive online training.
You will develop a complete understanding of the tools, information and practices you will need to begin to live your true greatness in daily life after each training session.
Thursday, April 24th is the start of the premier training.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
The stage for how you can live a truly extraordinary life is set by an explanation of greatness.
What your potential really means, and how you can take advantage of it.
There is a clear definition of mental frameworks.
The first thing you need to know is that there will be changes as you install SHOS.
The operating system will work even if you don’t think about it.
Installation of new mental software is a process.
The operating system can make you better at almost anything you do.
This is what you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
There are 7 stages of human evolution.
Your own life, your closest relationships, and the world at large are mirrored by the 7 stages.
An explanation of the highest levels of development.
This is important for you to know because of a detailed assessment about your current stage of evolution.
A detailed assessment about the current stage of evolution of our society, and how a 10% tipping point can become one of the most significant changes in the history of humankind.
New perspectives can bring peace, compassion, and love into relationships.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
You have access to the full spectrum of your intelligences.
An increase in your potential.
Every relationship is affected by the concept of multiple perspective taking.
This concept can stop wars on our planet.
To uncover your weaknesses and strengths, take a complete inventory of your intelligences.
There are different pathologies and blocks that can sabotage your true purpose.
You are blocked from your full capacities by unconscious blind spots.
It is possible to get your most important talents to their highest levels of development.
In the areas of your life that are most important to you, cultivate greatness and mastery.
Begin to see how each installation of this operating system meshes with the others, building a more comprehensive map for your life and the world we live.
This is what you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
There is a journey into the five primary states of consciousness.
How to use the wisdom within you.
The secret powers can be used to step outside of the limitations of space and time.
The four things you already do every day hold the key to becoming the greatest possible version of yourself.
You can become a master of patience and compassion with the help of a series of tools.
There is a difference between true and false.
Why the dog-eat-dog world traps you in pain, and how to abolish it.
The possibilities for humankind when states are truly embraced are deepened by the interlocking nature of this operating system.
You will never forget an experience of love.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
There is a breakdown of the nine primary types of personality.
A series of practices and tools will help you gain greater awareness of both the positives and the negatives of your personality.
There are key evolutionary differences between masculine and feminine energy and how you can use them to your advantage.
The 4 primary drives of human existence are agape, eros, evolution and involution.
As you become aware of the 4 drives, how they affect everything you do.
Most self-help courses only teach you to be like the person who created it, and how this operating system is markedly different.
How to make the Superhuman OS better for you.
A synopsis of why typologies fit into the overall landscape of your operating system, and how you can begin integrating types with the previous installations.
This is what you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
Understand the four essential dimensions of reality to govern your life.
Break the limitations of how you currently interpret reality by discovering your own default dimensions.
Discover the different dimensions of your purpose and how to integrate it.
You can learn how to communicate better with your friends and co-workers.
You can cultivate full spectrum 4-D vision by illuminating your blind spots.
It is possible to experience a powerful shift of perspective.
Understand how this fifth installation interlocks deeply with the previous four, showing a much grander view of your life and the world we share.
A revolutionary map will change your understanding of yourself and others in the world.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
Your body is three times as powerful as you think.
The subtle and causal bodies hold important keys to your health and longevity.
You can extend your lifespan and prevent disease.
Simple changes can heal major disorders.
Roll back your clock 10 years.
How to use the engine of youth.
What yoga, tai chi, and qigong have in common?
Reducing heart disease can be done with all of your vices, but breathing is the bigger factor.
The integration of these three applications with the five core installations of SHOS is necessary to create the greatest possible version of yourself.
This is what you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
You can learn how to see the two primary forms of shadow.
Understanding projection and transference will allow you to truly connect with other people.
It is possible to integrate the fragmented aspects of yourself into a unified whole.
It is possible to see your shadow in the shadow of others.
Understand the roots of addiction and how to heal them from the inside out.
There is a source of the aversions, allergies and phobias.
The Golden shadow blocks the full expression of your true greatness.
The collective shadow has an impact on your life and potential.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
The one daily practice meshes the entire SHOS.
How to use the power of contemplation.
There is a true difference between internal and external reality.
Radical acceptance can be achieved if you understand how your inner wiring differs from others.
Understanding how your inner wiring is the same as everyone else will form a fabric of understanding with everyone in your life.
All previous installations and applications should be integrated in a unique format.
The human journey has a deep sense of humility and gratitude.
This is what you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This module has experience in it.
The 2-Hour finale for the Superhuman Operating System will allow you to be fully grounded in your new Superhuman capacities and set the stage for how you can live a truly extraordinary life.
There is a loading module. – You should upgrade your operating system.
Training broadcast on Thursday, April 24th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. The broadcast is on Saturday, April 26th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, April 28th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Installation 1. – Your evolution is speeding up.
Training broadcast on Thursday, May 1st at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. There will be a broadcast on Saturday, May 3rd at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, May 5th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Installation 2. – Your full spectrum potential can be activated.
Training broadcast on Thursday, May 8th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. There will be a broadcast on Saturday, May 10th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, May 12th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Installation 3. – You can access your multidimensional states of being.
Training broadcast on Thursday, May 15th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. There will be a broadcast on Saturday, May 17th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, May 19th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Installation 4. – Actualizing the power of your words.
Training broadcast on Thursday, May 22nd at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. The broadcast is on Saturday, May 24th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, May 26th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Installation 5. – Awakening your vision.
Training broadcast on Thursday, May 29th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. The broadcast is on Saturday, May 31st at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, June 2nd at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Application 1. – Enhancing your body.
Training broadcast on Thursday, June 5th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. There will be a broadcast on Saturday, June 7th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, June 9th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Application 2. – There is a Shadow Vision.
Training broadcast on Thursday, June 12th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. The broadcast is on Saturday, June 14th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, June 16th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
Application 3 – Your inner tech is being activated.
Training broadcast on Thursday, June 19th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. The broadcast is on Saturday, June 21st at 10m Pacific. On Monday, June 23rd at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
The module needs to be rebooted. – The greatest version of you.
Training broadcast on Thursday, June 26th at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. The broadcast is on Saturday, June 28th at 10am Pacific and 1pm Eastern. On Monday, June 30th at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern, there will be a live and interactive Q&A Session.
You will receive 10 additional training sessions with many of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers, in addition to Ken Wilber’s comprehensive 10-week Superhuman OS training program. The bonus teachings sessions will complement skills and abilities that you will develop in the course and will help you cultivate your potentials to even higher levels.
Our world are shaped by our blueprints for life. Without changing them, we are powerless to change our lives. We repeat the same experiences and results over and over again. We need to understand the power of mental models and what it takes to change them if we want to change anything.
Join Anthony Robbins as he explains the power of mental models in a 60 minute workshop with Ken, and demonstrates to change them 3 full-length 60 minutes videos. In order for you to change, he will show you exactly what shapes your life. Three direct examples of exactly how this is done will be shown in 3 hours of video.
This bonus can’t be overstated, it will give you understandings that will change your life.
What will you experience in this training?
There is a mental model that shapes your life.
What do you have to do to make a transformation?
It’s not possible to get what you want in life if you know exactly what others do and how they do it.
Every human has 7 fundamental needs.
There are 3 requirements for a breakthrough.
The world is going through a lot of change. The systems that are needed to respond to global issues are not prepared to handle this change.
A new discourse is being called for and we are all invited to step into our authority and lead from the deepest and most powerful places within us. From a place of love and courage. As she explores what the world needs now, how she plans to lead if elected senator in California, and how we can help change the world, join her.
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This training has experience in it.
The political system has a deep underlying cancer.
Modern society has a fear based thought system.
You have to listen to the radio link for guidance.
The trick your mind plays will make you unsafe and what to do about it.
There is a real reason democracy matters.
Every culture in the world has a phrase that is common. You are what you eat is a variation of this exact statement.
Basic principles of how to fuel your body, brain, and heart are required to truly unlock your highest potentials. Diet is one of the main secrets of living as the greatest version of yourself. David Wolfe gives 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 will 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299 888-353-1299
What do you do? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This training has experience in it.
There are four fundamental changes you can make to your diet that will change everything.
A full spectrum diet is important.
The secret ingredient that will change your life is what everyone is missing.
The battery pack of the body can be improved.
There are 20 foods for a Superhuman diet.
Your body can be used for self-transformation. Your body has many of the greatest potentials of your being. A daily practice of yoga creates a cocktail of neurochemicals that make you function more efficiently, give you more energy, increase levels of contentedness and happiness, and so on.
Seane Corn teaches the pillars of unlocking your energy body and living as the greatest possible version of yourself.
Seane will show you how to deepen your relationship to your body, awaken the energy centers in your body, and transform your life with a 45 minute asana practice. This application alone can transform your life in so many ways.
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