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We just finished the training for the men.
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The wasteland.
The times were challenging, where the hero doubts himself, is on the losing end of his quest, and is very uncertain about what to do to overcome the setbacks.
Chances are, if you have ever wondered about this and what to call it, you have suffered a hit to both your self-esteem and your sense of masculinity. Your identity is a man who is on his own.
There is no medicine for that, because it is about your specific social and career challenges, not a clinical set of symptoms.
It does not apply to women and there is no routine advice about it. The narrative story of your life needs to be recognized for what it is, and which one could say takes specific masculine skills and competence to overcome it.
These are the skills that a father can teach.
It has to do with initiation into being a man, and with your sense of mastering those skills socially, Vocationally, and personally that one could say are specific to men only. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Let’s take a closer look at what’s at work and what’s at stake in this situation.
Depression is well-known of what causes it, cures it, or at least tries to, but that is not what we are talking about. Go to a local professional for that. We are talking about a vague sense that something isn’t quite working for you, that you feel like you could be more vigorous, vital, and excited about who you are, and that feeling you sense to be something only men in the same shoes share with you.
If you looked to your emotions, you might feel a bit sad and worried, but not enough so as to feel that you need to take off work, because there are bills to pay. It’s not enough that you stop socializing or talking to friends, at least when you are around them in person.
The Anger Map and Anxiety Map of the MindOS Mastery Program detail the experience of sadness and worry.
I define self-esteem as both a sense of well-being and of confidence in equal measures. You know that walking around with poor self-esteem isn’t an out-and-out depression. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it It is not as severe as an emotional problem, but it does impact your life, your performance, both in terms of women and work.
I call it the Equation of Masculinity.
It’s Masculinity.
Masculinity is a word you have heard many times, and always knew what it meant. There is something to do with your sense of identity as a man. It is a good thing for a man to have, and feels terrible if you are cut off from it.
In the Mature Masculine Power Program, we break it into its working parts and show how they support the other components of it.
If you have defined the word in the past, it has something to do with this equation.
Skills with women progress on a career mission.
It is from the MMP training program.
Even though the equation looks simple, there is a lot built into it. I said it was simple.
It feels good when you have learned something new about women and appealed to them more than before. You could say it feels great. It feels like falling in love, like being completely alive and passionate about life.
When you make progress in your career, like a raise, a new job, or even a bigger office, it’s just like when you were a boy.
Absolutely, beyond good. It is great! It feels like being ALIVE, feeling passionate about life itself. It is good to be alive.
A sense of leadership and territory, an ambition to WIN in competition, and a need to be on a team all strive for the same goal are all built in here. They are here as well.
It’s just that winning a game of checkers, or owning your half of a shared bathroom as a roommate, doesn’t carry the same weight as winning a new job, or winning over
Those make you feel alive and full of passion for life.
The variables in the equation matter. Competition, territory, rank, teamwork, and leadership are all part of being a man, but what they are applied to makes a difference in how you feel.
It is passionless.
What does it mean to be passionate?
If you re-read the section above, you will see that it is the same as feeling less than alive, but less Masculine, or in touch with and in command of masculinity.
I’m talking about feeling less alive as a man, less vital, less passionate for life as you know or wish you could be, and that’s what I’m talking about.
Everything you could ever want to know about romance, romantic passion, attraction, dating, courtship, relationships, marriage and the minds of women are spoken to in the men’s training course called the Omega Male Program.
The experience of just being alive, vitality itself is what the wordpassion is about. Being the man, being the best you can be, or heading in that direction is what it is about.
Self-esteem skills and power are needed for men only.
The fathers help the sons feel better.
For many men, there is a connection to their fathers here, to mentorship with them, to learning skills and competence from them, and ultimately a sense of enthusiasm in the activities you have chosen as your vocation.
You get a sense of belonging to a heritage through your career choice, as well as the involvement of your father and a whole family of men, in that.
There is a loss of passion and a diminished access to masculinity when you are cut off from that heritage.
In the past, initiation rituals memorialized the passing of the torch to you, all of which are addressed in the Mature Masculine Power Program.
There is a reduction of self-esteem, which may not be out and out clinical depression, yet is nevertheless not happy, and a reduction in your access, cultivation, and strengthening of your own level of masculinity.
There is a recipe for the felt sense of Depresculinity.
Something to start doing about it.
When you have a sense that something is wrong, but you don’t know what to do, it’s one of the most common problems in personal growth.
To know what to call it, you have to break it down into its parts, and then do something about it.
If you were to look at a period of your life, either right now or from the past, you could learn something new.
It wasn’t a situation where you couldn’t go to work, or socialize, or spend time with friends, but instead it was a feeling that things were not so great. You didn’t know what it was…
In Depresculinity, there’s a vague sense of not feeling as vital as you could, and perhaps you didn’t know where to start.
Start with these – and if you haven’t already, you’ll find them in a combo of the MindOS Mastery , Omega Male , and Mature Masculine Power Programs :
- Well-being: There are needs not met in life, and you feel hungry in a way. You want more of your needs met. Define what they are.
2. Confidence: There are fears you have, and you haven’t addressed or faced them head-on. Define what they are.
3. Skill with Women: There are skills to build here, whether in approaching women for dates, communicating effectively, knowing what the right kind of woman is for you, or perhaps you’re even in a relationship and don’t feel like “the man” in it. Define these.
4. Progress on Career Mission: There are challenges you haven’t managed to rise to, obstacles to overcome, bars to reach, or victories to win. You sense that there are skills and resources to build to be more fit to make that happen. Define these.
Now is the time to get started.
You don’t have to do this if you don’t have time. This isn’t a good experience and you’ve achieved clarity on what causes it.
Being a man could offer so much more for you if you have had enough of not feeling the most vitality you could feel, being vaguely down or in a rut, and somewhere inside suspect that being a man could offer so much more for you…
…then it’s time to master every detail of this hidden male-only depression called Depresculinity , be sure to attend a live event or get the disc course called Depresculinity .
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