Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Edition by Keith L. Moore

Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Edition by Keith L. Moore

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ISBN-13: 978-1451119459

Original price was: $83.00.Current price is: $24.49.

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Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Edition

Clinically Oriented Anatomy provides first-year medical students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This best-selling anatomy textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy! presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and also physical therapy.
The 7th edition features a NEW-AND-IMPROVED ART PROGRAM to reinforce its position as the primary resource serving the needs of anatomy students! during both the basic science and also the clinical phases of their studies. Moreover it is the popular choice for anatomy in many programs! including: medical, dental, physician assistant, chiropractic, podiatry, osteopathic, physical therapy, occupational therapy, kinesiology, and sports medicine.The 7th edition features:
· NEW-AND-IMPROVED ART PROGRAM: All illustrations have been redrawn and updated for consistency in style and color as well as anatomical accuracy
CLINICAL BLUE BOXES, supported by photos and illustrations, help students understand the practical value of anatomy. Each clinical correlation is classified by the type of clinical information it contains: Anatomical Variation, Trauma, Surgical Procedure, Diagnostic Procedure, Life Cycle, and PathologyILLUSTRATED TABLES organize complex information about veins, arteries, nerves, and other structuresBOTTOM LINES summarize key study points for students
INTRODUCTION CHAPTER covers important systemic information and concepts basic to the understanding of the anatomy presented in the subsequent regional chaptersEXTENSIVE MEDICAL AND also DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING reflects the increasing importance it plays in diagnosis and also the treatmentSURFACE ANATOMY photos clearly demonstrate anatomy’s relationship to physical examination and diagnosisOnline CASE STUDIES AND BOARD REVIEW-STYLE QUESTIONS provide interactive, convenient, and also comprehensive self-testing and review to prepare for course and licensing examsTERMINOLOGY fully adheres to the most current Terminologia Anatomica approved by the Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology

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