Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton – Sustainability is a team sport

Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton – Sustainability is a team sport

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This course is a step by step toolkit for launching and running sustainability teams (often known as green teams.) Starting a green team is not a difficult thing to do but often the simplest ideas never materialize into action because staff lack some basic instructions to spark the process.

The outcomes this digital course and toolkits include:
  • Describe common sustainability initiatives and their business case.
  • Form an integrative team to optimize environmental and social performance of an organization.
  • Set sustainability goals and motivate a team to achieve them.
  • Implement a sustainability initiative.
  • Overcome challenges that hinder sustainability teams.
  • Measure and articulate the benefits and results of sustainability.

Over 50 green teams have been launched by university and college students in part time jobs with little or no authority or budget, since this course was adopted by them.

The impact of those who have gone through the course include sustainability initiatives such as :

  • Low flow toilets should be installed.
  • Donate excess food.
  • You can add electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Plastic water bottle should be reduced or eliminated.
  • Eliminating unsustainable décor includes balloons, confetti.
  • Use two-sided printing if you want to reduce printing.
  • You can switch to more eco-friendly products.
  • Local vendors should be considered.
  • You can plant gardens on your property.
  • Beach clean ups should be organized.
  • And more!

They report higher levels of bonding and positive workplace culture. They have overcome common barriers such as high turnover, crazy schedules, and language barriers.

Sometimes you need a recipe to follow and the toolkits in this course will help you do that. If you need even more support, sign up for coaching and spend 1 hour per month with an expert in sustainable living who can help you with your problems, gain buy-in, stay on track, and be your cheerleader!

Sign up for Office Hours

During office hours, Astrapto offers a free hour of sustainable coaching and conversation. Bring your questions and challenges, be prepared to learn, meet others who share your passion, and make a positive impact.

The link to the meeting will be in your email. The terms and conditions are noted.


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