Without any prior writing experience or expertise! The easiest way to go is the fastest way. It is possible to build an income stream from scratch. Yes! This will work for you. Even if you have never written anything.
It’s like calling Amazon a bookstore.
It is much, much more than that.
It is a course about retirement.
It is a course about psychology.
The course is about human nature.
It is a course aboutELLING.
It is a course about traffic.
It is a course about marketing.
It is a course about email.
LEVERAGE is the subject of the course.
It is a course about conversion.
It is a course about choices.
It is a course about money.
It is a course about freedom.
It is a course about life.
It is what the title says.
It is how you can make money.
Simple as that.
It is not a course about criminal activity.
I don’t like that word.
It conjures up horrible memories of English class.
The smell of pencils.
The lights are flickering.
The teacher was happy when she passed out the graded papers with red pen.
That is what it means to me.
I feel the same way every time I take a writing course.
This isn’t that.
This is not a writing course.
The course is about turning words into cash.
The words can be considered copy by some people.
Not by me.
They are just words to me.
There are individual letters.
They should be put together to form sentences.
The words are not secret.
If they were…
My course would be called something.
I used a free website to turn 847 words into $7,217.34 in 6 days, and you can do the same with zero experience.
You will learn how to use a language called HPL to put money in your pocket.
You will learn how you can earn a full-time income by searching for specific news stories.
You will learn the braindead simple email hacks I have been using since 2010 to make millions of dollars online.
I use a simple self-liquidating email funnel to build massive email lists that make 10 times more money than most email…
You will learn the 2-step strategy I used to turn 300 words into $28,115.50 in 5 days without paying a penny for traffic.
You should be earning $1/month per subscriber on your email list. That is a joke. I make as much as $7/month per email subscriber on my lists.
More than 70,000 email newsletters from the world’s top direct response companies are contained in my closely-guarded email newsletter swipe file.
The No-PITCH PITCH email is a method I use to make my subscribers feel like my emails are 100% content while including a really obvious sales pitch.
You will get access to my proven email templates that I use on a daily basis to whip up money-making emails in 2 minutes or less.
The invisible sales page is where I consistently boost conversions and make 2x more money.
I use evergreen traffic sources to get hundreds of thousands of free visitors to my sites every single month.
3rd-GRADER WRITING SECRETS: You will discover how easy it is to pump out killer money-making sales copy over and over again using simple 3rd-GRADER writing secrets without any complicated templates, formulas, frameworks, or blueprints…
My dad is one of the smartest direct-response marketers on the planet and he tells his gardening email subscribers that.
In order to generate thousands of leads and make thousands of dollars a month, you don’t need to be a writer.
You will learn how to make $10k/month without promoting any products or selling anything.
Much, much more!
That is just one of the things you will find in Turn Words Into Cash.
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