Jaiya – Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough – (Final) Module 8 – Hot Sex For A Lifetime

Jaiya – Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough – (Final) Module 8 – Hot Sex For A Lifetime

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Jaiya - Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough - (Final) Module 8 - Hot Sex For A Lifetime1 Jaiya – Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough – (Final) Module 8 – Hot Sex For A Lifetime

The Erotic Blueprints reveal a hidden, universal language of expression and connection – like music.

Only the instruments are our bodies, and the medium is pleasure.The problem?We’re usually only shown how to give and receive pleasure for one type of instrument…But most of us are actually working with entirely DIFFERENT pleasure instruments than the ones we’re seeing in “sex ed”, por-n, or the media…Ones that don’t work in the same way.So just like you don’t play a cello with the same techniques or tools you use to play a guitar…Your path to pleasure – whether solo or shared – may simply be different than what you’ve seen so far, and require a different set of skills to enjoy. That’s why so many of us struggle to reach fully orgasmic, deeply satisfying pleasure throughout our lives. We never learned how to play our OWN instruments in a way that is truly pleasurable, satisfying, and full-bodied… … let alone create deeply satisfying, intimate, and explosive harmonies with partners that leave us deliciously breathless, connected, and full! Why?Because we were given the wrong set of instructions for our own body, and never taught anything different.That means WE don’t even have the right skills to own and understand our pleasure…… which makes it nearly impossible for a lover to ever play us with the orgasmic skills of a virtuoso that we crave!(After all – we can’t teach something that we don’t even know yet!)And this is what’s leaving us feeling disconnected, secretly starving, and confused about why or how to fix it…Then wondering deep down what is wrong with us, and if we might just be broken.

You’re not broken.

You’ve simply been taught to look for your pleasure in the wrong places, with the wrong tools, for you.

With your Erotic Blueprint you will discover the entire natural range of erotic possibilities – the Blueprints give you the map and show how to navigate it to maximize your pleasure.

This is the key to finally feeling at home in your body, and in yourself…To releasing any confusion, pain, or shame you’ve been carrying…And no longer feeling frustrated, alone, and misunderstood.All by finding your natural path to pleasure and embracing the way your body is biologically wired to give and receive it – free from any cultural conditioning you’ve inherited or been forced to take on.Once you understand this for yourself…You’ll be able to share it with others and reignite deep, passionate, and TRUE connection that lasts…… since connection only comes from truly seeing each other – and you can’t show someone something you haven’t seen yet yourself!That’s why knowing your Erotic Blueprint Type is more than just a tool to help you reignite sparks in the bedroom by finally giving you the guidance you’ve been missing all this time. It’s the proof that you are RIGHT – exactly as you are – and you always have been.There’s nothing weird or wrong with you.You’re simply wired differently, and access pleasure in different ways than we’ve been taught traditionally.So your Erotic Blueprint is the permission you were secretly looking for to stop suppressing and hiding parts of yourself…And confidently own them instead.Knowing your needs are entirely natural and valid even when they don’t look the same as someone else’s…… so you can fearlessly get your pleasure needs met – both solo and with partners! This makes knowing your Blueprint Type the key to true Erotic Freedom and Fulfillment – free from feelings of shame, confusion, or doubt.

Just knowing your Blueprint Type can unlock the door to Erotic Freedom and Transformation…

Because knowing your Erotic Blueprint Type is enough to help release you from secret shames, worries, and judgements of yourself…Even ones you may not realize you’re carrying…Helping you map the way to safely fulfilling ALL of your deepest, most natural needs for true health and satisfaction…Without the overwhelm, shame, or embarrassment. And that powerful new relief and freedom naturally leaves space for new presence in your everyday life. Presence that can help you immediately feel lighter, calmer, and more confident…More connected and in tune with the people you love most…In a way that feels effortless.Food and drinks will taste better…Conversations will feel more meaningful and flow effortlessly… All because you’ll be able to get out of your head and relax into your body in these moments again without shame or judgement in the way… … and finally have back all the energy you never realized you were using to constantly suppress, fight, and worry.

But information alone is not transformation – It’s only the first step.

This is why having an endless arsenal of new techniques, positions, and toys has never been enough for lasting pleasure and fulfillment…… or deeply passionate, lifelong connection.Just like there is so much more to any journey than just the map…Since the map itself is not the territory it guides you through to the treasures awaiting you…Guess what?Knowing your Erotic Blueprint Type is just the beginning of this journey. It’s the first step you need in order to discover your complete Core Erotic Blueprint™ – which is the true pleasure treasure you’re looking for.And just like the map can’t prepare you for all the obstacles you’ll run into on the ground…Finding your way to deep and lasting satisfaction, connection, and freedom requires you to actively explore this new territory… And that means you’re going to run into new, unexpected obstacles and discoveries along the way. This is a GOOD thing!It’s all information…Because that’s how you get to know, understand, and master the path to deeply understanding and owning your pleasure. But these obstacles and challenges can often be VERY difficult to deal with, or even recognize on your own. And while working through these challenges is how you master the pleasure map of your own body…So you can find and remove hidden blocks, shadows, and cultural conditioning that can hold you back or get in the way of your pleasure without you realizing… It’s easy to get stuck, and shut out of the deeper understanding, connection, and pleasure you need. Because every Blueprint Type has entirely different words, thoughts and touches (or lack of touches) that turn them on… Did you know that each Blueprint wants to be spoken to, seduced and aroused differently?Within your Type, based on your unique Erotic Blueprint Stack, you will have your own personal preferences…… much like you can play an instrument in nearly endless different styles or genres.That’s why, while knowing your Blueprint Type can point you in the right direction and help you shortcut your journey to new pleasure and connection… It can still be easy to get lost when we’re trying to explore and fill in all the details of your complete, Core Erotic Blueprint (your unique map to pleasure) alone!

Like we said a minute ago – It’s just like learning an instrument…

And like instruments, there are 5 major Blueprint types or “classes”.Instead of woodwinds, strings, percussion, brass, and keyboards… … we have the Energetic, Sexual, Sensual, Kinky, and Shapeshifter Types™. But just like with instruments…There are many different variations of instruments within these broader categories!A guitar and a violin have many things in common…But different techniques are used to create the unique sounds each is capable of, even though both can technically be played with similar approaches.If you had never seen a violin before…Chances are you’d try to play it like most other stringed instruments – by plucking it.You would get sounds out of it for sure, maybe even beautiful ones…But you’d never know that its sweetest and most deliciously satisfying sounds are achieved when it’s played with a bow instead…So you’d never experience what that Stratovarious violin is truly capable of.And that’s exactly why so many of us have gone so long without ever hearing the true, satisfying melody of our pleasure.It’s like we’re trying to play the piano with drum sticks..… and getting more frustrated, hopeless, and desperate to hear (and feel) the music we’ve been desperate to hear our entire lives!

That’s exactly why having an expert guide is the secret to deeply satisfying success – way sooner.

When’s the la st time you tried to learn an instrument… … and how did it go?If you’re like 90% of people who try to pick up what many consider the world’s sexiest instrument – the guitar – chances are it didn’t last very long.Why?There are many reasons… But one of the biggest is that without any structured guidance from an actual teacher, you fail WAY more often than you have fun – which doesn’t leave you with a lot of motivation to keep going! In short – you get stuck and don’t know how to keep progressing.And that quickly becomes frustrating, disappointing, and overwhelming.There is a lot of trial and error.A lot of jarring squeaks and screeches when you don’t quite get it right.And on top of that…You don’t even know what you don’t know!Which means spending all your time going around in circles without actually getting anywhere new…… because you can’t see the blocks and obstacles that are keeping you stuck! So without anyone to keep you accountable, on track, and help you learn in a way that puts pleasure first… So that learning is ENJOYABLE even when it’s imperfect…While identifying your unique blocks, struggles, and obstacles so you don’t stay stuck …… and giving you personalized suggestions, advice, and techniques to overcome these challenges. You’re likely to give up. And that’s exactly what learning and exploring your Blueprint, your erotic instrument, can be like, if you do it alone. But when the instrument is your body…With all the hidden “shadows” of judgement, expectation, and disappointment it’s already carrying…And when you’re already in desperate need of nourishment after going without it for so long…There’s even MORE pressure to get this right…… and more obstacles in your path.So while it is absolutely possible to teach yourself…Your chances of becoming a virtuoso who masters not only your own pleasure instrument…But who can create harmonies with an entire orchestra of possibilities…… are much lower when you go it alone.And after years spent struggling and missing out on everything your unique pleasure instrument has to offer… The last thing you want is more frustrating trial and error standing between you and the limitless pleasure possibilities you’re so close to finally achieving! Don’t you think you’ve already waited long enough? Spent enough years (or decades) going unsatisfied and starving for the masterful touch you crave?We think so. We KNOW you deserve to experience all the pleasure available to you, as soon as possible. So we want to make sure you don’t need to spend more months and years struggling to learn this new instrument on your own.Instead, why not…

Let us personally show you the shortcuts, secrets, and strategies you need to Master your Core Erotic Blueprint…

(And have FUN doing it!)

We know how difficult this can be, because it’s exactly what we had to do.As the Founders of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™… We had no choice but to figure things out on our own – there was no one to teach us!Because even after struggling for years to reignite our connection and passion in the bedroom…Trying all of the techniques and tactics in our expert sex coaching toolbox…And putting 2 bestselling books plus over 15 years worth of expertise into action… … we STILL couldn’t seem to recover the passion, pleasure, and connection we had felt when we were new lovers. And we felt like we were literally starving for it. That’s right – even with all of a sex expert’s knowledge, tools, and tricks at our disposal, our sex life had fizzled out and was close to taking our partnership with it! It felt like our entire world…Everything we knew as professionals AND as partners…Was crumbling in our hands.So we definitely understand that frustration, fear, and deep loneliness you’ve been experiencing…Whether you’re in a relationship or not…Because, this experience is a big part of what led us to discover the power of the Blueprints.It was such a HUGE relief…They explained everything… Including why sex coaching and programs as we knew them had failed us…

And why it was so hit or miss for clients all over the world too. The only problem was…Now we had to learn how to play entirely new instruments from scratch…And then learn how to harmonize with each other…… all on our own! So we spent years figuring out how to do this – working with these Blueprints on ourselves and with thousands of clients… … so that you don’t have to. Instead, we want to invite you to leverage all the years, tears, and effort we’ve already spent…Working directly with thousands of different bodies in each Blueprint Type…To help them discover their complete Core Erotic Blueprint™:

  • Including identifying which of the 4 major obstacles/pathways to pleasure may be secretly putting the brakes on your pleasure…
  • How to clear these obstacles as quickly as possible based on your Blueprint Type, so we can unlock your full pleasure potential.…
  • Which of the 5 natural Stages (or seasons) of Sexuality , you are in, so you can relax into your body again…
  • Plus how to shine a light on and soothe any psychological, emotional or Blueprint Shadows that keep you stuck in your head , so you can adjust the way you handle and care for your pleasure instrument accordingly…

We tested and perfected our understanding of the entire erotic spectrum of possibilities available to all of us as we experimented and explored, so there’s… No more guessing. No more frustrating trial and error. No more disconnection and awkwardness at the worst possible times. That’s what we want to personally help you achieve TODAY.

So you can finally claim the birthright you’ve been denied all this time…

Because Pleasure Is Your Birthright.

You are worthy and deserving of it – always. It’s NOT something you ever need to feel ashamed of, or guilty for feeling and desiring.In fact, it’s critical for your health and fulfillment in ALL areas of life.We know this because… Your body was BUILT for it. Just like pain, pleasure is an incredibly valuable and important tool that guides you toward fulfillment, health, and satisfaction…And if you’ve been feeling stuck, starved, or disconnected in your relationships and life….It’s likely because you’ve been taught to ignore or suppress pleasure and all the essential information it provides!Because, while pain shows you what NOT to do and what isn’t safe or right for you…It’s PLEASURE that gives you direction forward, showing you where to go and what to do MORE of.So we can purposefully, passionately move toward our goals…… instead of just running away from what hurts.

… while getting the skills you need to sexually satisfy, connect, and communicate with ANY Blueprint type – whether yours or a lover’s.

Like we mentioned earlier, the Erotic Blueprints Types were discovered out of a desire to connect… They were also discovered during thousands of hours of one-on-one work with my VIP clients and witnessing repeating patterns of arousal and non-arousal.What worked for one client flatlined another.The Blueprints were the ONLY way we found to successfully bridge the painful gulf of disconnection and misunderstanding in our partnership that was leaving us both hurt and frustrated.They were the magic pill that helped me bridge the ‘mismatch gap’ for hundreds, now thousands, of clients who loved their partners deeply but couldn’t connect physically and had lost the passion in their relationships.Because while there are plenty of sex positive communities that promised to bridge this gap…… they actually disconnect us, defining us by just ONE of the ways we can access pleasure, and cutting us off from the rest rather than showing us how to play together! That’s why they weren’t giving us the connection and deep understanding we needed. And why the Erotic Blueprints Types were discovered and specifically designed to facilitate CONNECTION through pleasure… … even when those pleasure experiences are different (as they usually are!) This means more connection to yourself, in a deep and unshakeable way…But also to others.If we’re thinking of our bodies as instruments…It’s difficult to play with others in harmony if you don’t know how to play your own instrument.But even when you do know your own instrument…You need a common “language” to connect you with people who play different ones. This is the magic of understanding the Erotic Blueprints… Because like the notes, scales, and keys of music…The Blueprints provide a common “language” that connects ALL pleasure experiences and erotic possibilities…… bringing us together and making us BETTER for our differences.Helping us EXPAND our pleasure possibilities and experiences , rather than separating us and keeping us limited to just one.That way, instead of playing the same, single melody again and again until it’s tired and boring…You can experience incredible new harmonies that you would never be able to enjoy on your own – like remixing or reimagining old songs! This is how you become the ultimate lover… For yourself and for others…Harmonizing with ANY Blueprint Type in ways that are mutually pleasurable, rather than asking one person to sacrifice their pleasure for another…… and unlock new heights of limitless pleasures you didn’t think were possible – again and again.

Say goodbye to bland, boring, one-note sex…

And find the hidden symphony of endless erotic possibilities waiting in your body right now, for as little as $99 down today.

It’s all inside the most comprehensive sexual pleasure, wellness, and health program available, and the only one built using the unique Core Erotic Blueprints as a guiding framework.Together, we will help you find the pleasure waiting, untapped, in your body right now…Teaching you how to play your unique pleasure instrument and unlock your most satisfying pleasure possibilities…While uncovering and releasing cultural programming, hidden blocks, and obstacles that not only stunt your pleasure…… but block the deeper connection, confidence, and fulfillment we’ve all been collectively starving for. So you can completely transform your confidence, satisfaction, and connections faster than you thought possible. It is time to reclaim our birthright of pleasure and follow it back to a place of peace in ourselves, our bodies, our relationships, and our lives…And finally understand our erotic selves deeply. So we can know and own ALL of ourselves and step into free, full, and fearless self-expression.

The Short Story On How It Works…

We will SHOW you how to do this in the quickest and most effective way…Using a series of pre-recorded video lessons, exercises, and conversations you can dive into at your own pace, whenever and wherever is most comfortable for you…… including always tasteful, but educational video demonstrations (with NO explicit nudity or unnecessarily crude language) to show you how to follow the Erotic Blueprints to your bliss.Through helping thousands of people just like you already…We’ve created a proven and repeatable process that helps you cut straight to the pleasure you’ve been missing, skipping past frustrating trial and error…Helping you deliciously determine the details of your unique pleasure instrument…And teaching you fun, pleasurable techniques that help you learn to play it fast…So you can start rebuilding your connection to your pleasure, your body, and yourself – immediately.We’ll personally guide you through the discovery and deep understanding of your unique Core Erotic Blueprint… Which goes beyond just identifying and embracing your Blueprint Type, and includes identifying which of the 4 major Obstacles may be blocking your path to pleasure even when you start exploring your Blueprint Type more… … and which of the ‘5 Stages of Sexuality’ you’re currently experiencing , so we can give you the right tools for the season you’re in!Plus we’ll show you how to translate your Blueprint into newfound pleasure in ALL areas of your life and own what turns you on, lights you up, and sets your senses on fire in a way that instills unshakeable confidence in yourself… And how to confidently and fearlessly communicate what you discover to the people you’re looking to share pleasure with…This will change the game for you both inside AND outside the bedroom…… as you begin to understand how to use pleasure to identify what works for you and what doesn’t, set boundaries, and create spaces of connection and acceptance for ALL your loved ones.

But that’s just the start.

Once we’ve helped you discover and own YOUR pleasure, independently of any partner, whether you have one or not… We’ll take this even deeper and teach you how to use the Erotic Blueprints to better understand and communicate with everyone in your life… Including how to determine anyone’s Blueprint in a single evening… And how to speak the languages of other Blueprints , so you can create bridges, connection, and shared, mutual pleasure that doesn’t require ANYONE to compromise their own satisfaction or needs.Instead, you’ll gain the skills you need to give and receive pleasure in EVERY Blueprint… … enjoying new types of pleasure and pleasure experiences you didn’t know were possible. And lastly, we’ll show you how to do ALL of this faster and more effectively by finding, soothing, and releasing your unique, hidden “pleasure brakes”… The spectre of hidden Shadows, judgement, cultural conditioning, and/or deeply rooted hidden shames that keep you from asking for and receiving the pleasure you crave…… or fully enjoying it, free from feelings of judgement, criticism, or shame you may not realize are keeping you limited and starving.

The Entire 8-Module Online Erotic Blueptint Breakthrough Course

  • Over 70 actionable and easy to digest video trainings to help you own your pleasure and become masterful lover
  • Go at your own pace and return to these valuable trainings at any time you like

Plus 3 Super Powerful Bonuses

BONUS #1: (Value = Priceless)

Immediate access to Erotic Freedom Club:

Erotic Freedom Club is our exclusive, sex-positive online membership community. This is where you’ll get ongoing support so your success is assured. As a member of the Club, you’ll get…

  • Multiple Monthly Group Coaching Calls led by our Blueprint Master Coaches.
  • A Treasure Trove of In-Depth and Immersive Bonus Video Trainings. You’ll find solutions to your challenges, answers to your questions and always have something new to explore

BONUS #2: (Value $197.00)

The Adventure Date Success System Video Course and Workbook

  • Discover the art of “Adventure Dating!”
  • Use the Adventure Date Success System Handbook and video classes to take dating from mundane to magical.

You’ll finally be able to:

  • Create intoxicating anticipation in your lover…
  • Become the mysterious, confident and sultry lover you always wanted to be…
  • Discover what your lover truly desires when it comes to romance and adventure (so you never have to guess or fail ever again)!

Master Adventure Dating and you’ll have your next amour or your long time lover full of that new relationship crave and unquenchable desire.

BONUS #3: (Value = $85)

All 5 Erotic Blueprint Special Reports

  • These 28 page reports are your customized guidebook detailing practical pleasure tools designed specifically for each Blueprint Type, so you can begin to tap into all the pleasure possibilities right away
  • For Singles or Couples, these are powerful cheat sheets to create a luscious self-pleasure plan, or to quickly get insights on how to please your lover or your new amour

Tuition is Normally $990

You’ve got 2 super easy options to get started today…

Inside The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough You’ll…

Discover a truly inclusive, healthy Erotic Education that fills in the many missing gaps, to create safety for ALL sexual needs and desires…

Be honest for a second — probably more than you’ve ever been

Sex isn’t always as easy as the media and society makes it seem…Sex education in our culture is terrible. It is often wrong and can even be harmful.And what about pleasure education?It doesn’t exist. The best we get is “5 Tips for Orgasmic Oral” at the checkout stand.And if that sex technique doesn’t work for your Blueprint Type, you’re out of luck.Did you get an awesome sex and pleasure education?If you’re like most every person we meet, your honest answer is “NO!”Because there hasn’t been any repeatable system, or comprehensive education available to help you take ownership of your sexuality, and uncover exactly what makes you tick.

So what are you supposed to do?

Well, that’s where The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ comes in. We’re the ONLY sexuality framework that covers the entire range of erotic possibilities.The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course is designed to give you the deeply satisfying, healthy, and safe personal sex education you’ve been missing…… so you can master your pleasure instrument, and start exploring new, deliciously decadent harmonies with lovers too.All while finally getting your natural needs met so you can live life more confident, fulfilled, and full of joy.Because your eroticism is dynamic, complex and goes through changes (over the years and sometimes daily)…And knowing your Primary Blueprint Type is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…You can access the entire erotic spectrum too – if you let us show you how.So you can acquire the skills to navigate any and all erotic possibilities, even as your eroticism evolves and changes over time….And create opportunities for new, limitless, and unique pleasure experiences – partnered or not.

With this 360-degree lens, we empower people just like you

The result? Sexually vital, turned on and satisfied clients who truly own their sexuality.This means grounded, unshakeable confidence in yourself.Full and fearless self-expression that helps you achieve truly confident body ownership as you enjoy the gift of pleasure your body gives you every day…And true satisfaction that puts the sizzle back into sex…… while electrifying deep connections so they last – less all the struggle.Energetic, sexual, sensual, kinky, your consensual preferences, needs, and wants deserve to be fulfilled — no matter what they might be.

Optimize your (sexual) health, wellness, & vitality by exploring and restoring your natural path to pleasure.

All of us deserve to understand our individual turn-ons and turn-offs. We should be able to express our wants and needs and experience pleasure beyond our wildest dreams. When we don’t, we open the door to emotional repression and stress that manifests in our bodies – often as illness and injury.It’s time to reclaim the healthy relief and release of natural pleasure that we’ve been missing – and unlock truly holistic health and longevity.

You ― seen, accepted, and supported

The issue with other sexual health-oriented communities and courses is that they typically only cover one aspect of sexual expression. It’s always either tantra, kink, open relationships, or por-n.But The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough focuses on your entire, unique, erotic personality. Your full range of consensual desires is all encouraged and celebrated here.So you become deeply fed, safely getting ALL your needs met.

Your relationship ― stronger than ever

There’s a giant myth that some people are just sexually incompatible.But that’s NOT true.We’re not sexually incompatible – we just haven’t learned how to speak each other’s languages of sexual fulfillment yet. We haven’t learned to create those harmonies by mastering our own instrument and learning our lover’s instrument.This myth can keep you from achieving happiness and fulfillment within your relationship. Did you buy the fairy tale story that, if you love each other, sex should naturally be full of spontaneity and passion for the rest of your life? That unless you want and need the exact same things as your lover, you’re doomed to fail? Let’s bust that debilitating myth! We’re here to help you bridge the “sexual incompatibility” gap, end misunderstandings, and find the common ground of blissful intimacy and sexual satisfaction.The Erotic Blueprints provide a common language that connects all erotic possibilities…Allowing all of us to expand and experience MORE pleasure together…… as you find ways to play that feed BOTH your Blueprints, while opening the door to new pleasure experiences you didn’t realize were possible.This is similar to learning a partner’s love language…And just as important for your health, wellness, and satisfaction – solo or partnered.No more compromises that leave everyone less than full…Just deeper, truly intimate connections and MORE pleasure for all.

Your sex life ― free of ineffective sex techniques

Anyone can pick up a magazine at the grocery check out or a book on the Kama Sutra to learn a new technique or position. But what if that technique doesn’t work for you or your partner?What if those techniques are one big FAIL?No worries. The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough covers all sexual styles, desires, and needs based on a person’s Blueprint Type. So whatever your partner desires, whatever truly turns you on, it’s all easily discoverable through processes and sexy games that are almost as much fun as sex itself.We give you our personal treasure trove of simple, proven, and PLAYFUL tools and games to discover EXACTLY what turns you on, lights you up, and makes your senses sing with orgasmic ecstasy…… without all the frustrating trial and error or partnered awkwardness. These tools and techniques don’t expire or tire with the changing seasons or years because they’re built to help you explore deeper with every use. There is always more to discover…

Discover what ignites your orgasmic engine by understanding your complete Core Erotic Blueprint…

Identify Which Obstacles Are Blocking Your Pleasure…

Just like when you’re learning an instrument…Your hand size, lung capacity, or even just whether you’re naturally shy or get “stage fright”…… can all create obstacles in the way of your mastery.And these types of common obstacles exist when learning our pleasure instruments too!Did you know there are 4 specific, major obstacles that could be keeping you stuck and locked out of the pleasure you’re craving?One or more of these obstacles may be putting the brakes on your pleasure, no matter what techniques or tools you try and how aligned they may be to your Blueprint Type!Your physical health, your emotional health, your hormonal health and your energetic health may be completely interruping your ability to connect to pleasure and orgasm.Do you know how to be your own Sex Detective?Do you know how to turn these potential obstacles to your pleasure into pathways to pleasure?These types of common, universal obstacles can often block our pleasure and make us think we’re on the wrong path – even when we aren’t!So we’ll show you how to turn each of these pleasure killers into new pathways to sexual vitality, connection, and pleasure.Like releasing an emergency brake you didn’t realize was on, and suddenly experiencing smooth, fast, and effortless acceleration for the first time…… discovering which of these obstacles you may be facing, and removing them with our guidance, can unleash an exciting rush of new pleasure and personal understanding.We’ll give you the skills to ask the right questions and find the source of your challenges when it comes to your physical, emotional, hormonal and energetic health.These newfound detective skills will empower you to get the help that will truly make a difference.The 4 Obstacles or Pathways to Sexual Health and Pleasure are the second piece of your ‘Core Erotic Blueprint’ that needs to be discovered.Which leaves the third, pivotoal piece…

Understand Which of the ‘5 Stages of Sexuality’ You’re In…

Just like the different seasons of weather…We experience different seasons, or stages, of sexuality over time.So just as we dress differently for different weather…The techniques you use to find your pleasure change depending on which “season” of sexuality you’re experiencing…… and your pleasure instrument will need different types of care, touch, and attention to stay healthy and “in tune”.We’ll show you how to identify which stage you’re in at any given time (since we can experience all 5 stages in a single day, or spend years at a time in just one)… And which techniques, tools, and care work best in that stage for your blueprint…… so you’re always prepared to fully enjoy the unique gifts and pleasure possibilities of each one safely.That way no matter which of the 5 natural stages of sexuality you’re in…And how the seasons may change…You’ll have tested and proven techniques to help you find yourself, your pleasure, and your path to lasting sexual fulfillment, satisfaction, and connection – for life!

Because feeling sexy in your own skin isn’t just pleasurable – it’s a critical aspect of physical AND mental health.

Sex is essential to your health, vitality, and well-being

It’s about more than trivial pleasure…Sexual satisfaction increases connection and bonding with yourself, with your partner, and keeps important, happiness and resilience hormones pumping at full strength.This fills your cup, keeps you resourced and helps you actually feel alive, healthy, vital each day.Even better, sex 3x per week is shown to help you live longer…… after all, it’s one of the only constantly accessible, free ways we can ALWAYS access to release stress and naturally soothe our nervous systems.And stress is at the root of our most insidious, dangerous, and difficult to treat health problems!So whether you’re bored, confused, lost, surpressed, or misrepresented, this comprehensive program can help you claim your desires and unlock healthy, erotic ecstasy. But don’t be fooled: we won’t just touch base on sexual techniques. This goes beyond the positions and techniques. Instead, we’re going to dive deep into the different sexual styles out there and pinpoint the exact things that make you and your partner(s) excited- for maximum relief and pleasure…… so you can experience the healthy processing and release of stress that would otherwise be stored in your body, feeding unnecessary illness and injuries – both physical and mental.

Stoke the fire and experience your ultimate sexual fulfillment

Jaiya’s more than 25 years of experience as a Somatic Sexologist has given us a broad understanding of the physiology of arousal, the psychology of attraction, the biology of sexual health and vitality.And after years of working one-on-one with hundreds of VIP clients, teaching large group workshops and conducting clinical research, it became clear that there’s a framework behind deep sexual satisfaction.Everyone has a unique Erotic Blueprint. So if you’re ready to uncover your map to ecstasy, it’s time to experience your very own Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough.

Unapologetic Sexual Fulfillment in 3 steps

Step #1:

Figure out what excites you, and what doesn’t

Before you can understand your partner(s), you need to understand yourself.Our first goal is to help you figure out what turns YOU on and off.This immersive program will guide you, step-by-step with easy and fun practices to help you discover what truly brings you pleasure.Not only that, we can teach you how to communicate those desires to your partner(s), so you can get the sexual satisfaction that you crave.

Step #2:

Confidently give your lover(s) tantalizing, orgasmic pleasure

Once you know yourself, it’s time to become the ultimate lover.We’ll show you how to conscientiously play with all that’s erotically possibile. Blueprint By Blueprint, we give you the keys to the orgasmic palace. Once you’ve indulged in this training, you’ll have the erotic intelligence and sexual skills to thrill your lover(s).

Step #3:

Break free from societal pressures, inherited beliefs, and shame

To realize your true sexual potential, you have to let go of society’s restrictions.Shed cultural beliefs, inherited sexual shame, boundary violations, and embarrassing sexual encounters by bringing these shadows into the light.We help you do this using groundbreaking strategies clinically proven to help identify and process your shadows in a healthy way…… without ever pushing you to go too hard and fast. We help you press against these edges at the pace that works for you, with the support you need to find pleasure and release on the other side.


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