[Download Now] The Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram with Jessica Dibb & Russ Hudson

[Download Now] The Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram with Jessica Dibb & Russ Hudson

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[Download Now] The Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram with Jessica Dibb & Russ Hudson


Salepage : The Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram with Jessica Dibb & Russ Hudson

What You’ll Discover in These 17 Weeks

The course sessions are on Thursdays.

Russ Hudson, one of the foremost and unique articulators of the Enneagram Teachings, and Jessica Dibb, one of the foremost and innovative creators of experiential practices in the Enneagram field, will guide you in this brand-new Enneagram training.

Through the multidimensional guidance and transmission of the Enneagram, they will present an original evolutionary program to support your whole being.

Russ and Jessica will share innovative practices to help you integrate and illuminate the higher aspects of the Enneagram. It is possible to embody. What you find in your daily life.

They will build the architecture of what actually happens to you. The deeper qualities are activated by the body, heart and head. Not only your own type. All. There are nine types.

During this 17-step journey into the sacred dimensions of the Enneagram, you’ll discover:

  • The original purpose of the Enneagram that takes us far beyond mere descriptions of our character structures
  • The real meanings of the passions, the fixations, the centers, the instincts, the Virtues, the Holy Ideas, as well as of Essence and Personality
  • The nature of experiential work in the context of the Enneagram
  • The role of presence in working with the patterns of personality/ego.
  • The innate life qualities called Instincts — and how they appear in nature and in you
  • The deep qualities of Instincts as felt sensations , which are part of your body’s wisdom
  • How the core suffering of the heart shows up in the Instincts, and interferes with their natural functioning
  • A customized set of experiential practices for working with your Instincts and creating better balance between them
  • The definition and meaning of the Holy Ideas
  • The Holy Ideas’ relationship to the Virtues and the essential qualities and gifts of each of the 9 types
  • How these deeper states of consciousness or nondual awareness relate to your mental patterns or “fixations.”
  • Psychological patterns that tend to dominate our relationships
  • Relationship as a structure necessary for life, but not able to bring the heart what it truly seeks
  • How to open to new qualities of genuine relatedness: appreciation, aliveness, and kindness
  • Sensations and energy flows in your body that occur when psychological patterns are relaxed
  • Practices for working with a current important relationship and recognizing the patterns you’re bringing to it
  • Each Enneagram point as an expression of Essence and an aspect of the Divine
  • Release your egoic perceptions of the Divine

The ancient wisdom of the Enneagram can aid in true psychological and spiritual integration, and serve the compelling need of our species to develop in unimaginable ways so we can address and heal the collective wounds of our times.

The training will be stimulating and cutting-edge. And. It was personal. Each teaching and discussion session will feature at least one of the two faculty.

Module 1: Opening to Your True Potential: The Promise of a Depth Approach to the Enneagram With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


The experiences and qualities of life which are most fulfilling and significant for our journey often get overlooked or forgotten because we spend our days more focused on other matters and activities.

We don’t know how to contact the deeper layers of our heart and soul. Stay. As we move through our busy lives, we are connected to this part of us.

It’s hard to stay connected to the sacred. Fear, inertia and separation are our default modes.

The purpose of the Enneagram is to bring the depth of our awareness and kindness to the patterns in our psyche that lead us to forget our essence.

You will discover in the first module.

  • The depth approach to the Enneagram and how it differs from other approaches
  • Components and tools of this unique approach
  • The real meanings of the passions, the fixations, the centers, the instincts, the Virtues, the Holy Ideas, as well as of Essence and Personality
  • The original purpose of the Enneagram that takes us far beyond mere descriptions of our character structures

Module 2: The Inner Marriage of Personality and Soul: Discovering, Navigating and Cultivating Being & Inner Space
With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


The original idea of the Enneagram is not to describe who we are, but to look at what we are taking ourselves to be. The capacity to actually see is developed through the cultivation of presence in our bodies, hearts, and minds. Feel it. The psychological patterns are what dominate our experience.

We begin to participate in an inner marriage of soul and personality in this way. A genuine transformation of our lives through a genuine transformation of what motivates our choices and actions is brought about by this.

You will discover in this class.

  • The nature of experiential work in the context of the Enneagram
  • The role of presence in working with the patterns of personality/ego.
  • The “alchemical gold” of inner work — the results of cultivating our true inner life
  • The difference between realization and actualization
  • How to “be with” your experience rather than rejecting or judging it
  • The correct roles of the three centers: body, heart, and head.
  • The relationship between the ego’s strivings and a deeper wish for authentic qualities of being
  • How different approaches to inner work can support your journey

Module 3: Inner Work & The Instincts: Bringing Presence to Your Instinctual Drives
With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


One of the hottest topics in the Enneagram field is the role Instincts play in our lives and development. There are many teachers involved with this subject, presenting different theories, applications, and perspectives, but the role of the instincts in inner work is rarely presented.

Russ and Jessica bring together different aspects of this teaching from different parts of the work that they have focused on. They will weave a rich immersion in the topic, not to give final answers, but to launch a deeper investigation of how these fundamental intelligences operate in our personal lives.

The three basic Instincts are nature’s intelligence acting through us. When these instinctual drives combine with our primary pattern, they produce a primary type with a particular set of behaviors. It is important to recognize the Instincts. There are specific energies. There are sensations in the body.

The sense of all three drives will be explored in this module. All three of these drives are operating in you in some way.

Learning to recognize the deeply ingrained habits in relation to your instinctual drives is a big part of inner work. You create a stable platform for opening to the deeper mysteries of your heart and mind as you develop awareness and more balance among the Instincts. You can more easily integrate these spiritual experiences into your daily life from this foundation.

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  • The innate life qualities called Instincts — and how they appear in nature and in you
  • How to recognize and experience the deep qualities of Instincts as felt sensations , which are part of your body’s wisdom
  • How to recognize Blind spots and inertia in each of the instincts
  • 9 Zones within the Instincts that reveal different arenas of life in which these natural intelligences play out
  • How the core suffering of the heart shows up in the Instincts, and interferes with their natural functioning
  • How to create a set of customized practices for working with the Instincts and creating better balance between them
  • How the Instincts are transformed from supports for the ego, to support for your soul realization and maturation
  • An emerging feminine and right brain perspective and orientation to the instincts that brings in new possibilities for the transformation

Module 4: The Virtues as the Signs of Genuine Transformation (Points 8, 9, 1, and 2) With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


The qualities of presence are represented by each Enneagram point, beyond being a type of person. When these qualities of presence come to bear on our ego patterns and their inherent suffering, they create an alchemical reaction, the result of which are the nine Virtues.

The virtues are what they are. Result. It becomes the natural expression and way of being for a person. The human tendency to get caught in endless reactivity or numbness is represented by them.

Love becomes the organizing principle of our thoughts, decisions, relationships and communities when we actualize our own type’s Virtue.

Learning to be compassionate with ourselves is the first step. Being with the inner hurts and reactions that have driven so much of our behavior is supported by the presence we have cultivated.

The core of suffering in our hearts was created by a deep disconnection from Source, however we choose to define that. Our ego has been seeking ways to handle this core of suffering and to be able to get on with our lives despite it.

Real healing occurs as soon as we come home to ourselves and the living moment, if we keep looking. Our capacity to be a vehicle of love and truth in each moment becomes real and sustainable as our spirits can flower.

You will discover:

  • The specific relationship between the heart’s suffering, and qualities of presence and grace
  • The alchemy of restored presence bringing about a turn of the heart towards it true source, the “Beloved.”
  • The Nine Virtues as doorways to another kind of human life and community — the alternative to fear as an organizing principle
  • How the Virtues reflect the qualities of a real teacher — the signs of someone who has actually been on the authentic journey of awakening
  • The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of lust
  • The real meaning of the passion of Sloth, which isn’t “laziness” but rather, habitual state of withdrawn attention, normal for egoic life
  • The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of Angry Resentment
  • The real meaning of the passion of Pride, often misunderstood, and a major challenge for those in helping professions

Module 5: Practicing Virtues Somatically, Emotionally, Cognitively & Spiritually
With Jessica Dibb


It does partially transform us when we realize a truth. A permanent state of transfiguring the body, heart, and mind is called actualization. You will experience the virtues of points eight, nine, one and two in this class.

Jessica will show you the heart qualities within you.

  • Innocence
  • Engagement
  • Serenity
  • Humility

Module 6: The Virtues as the Signs of Genuine Transformation (Points 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)
With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


We are learning to bring presence and essence to our hearts in order to awaken them. The virtues of point Three (authenticity), point Four (equanimity), point Five (non-attachment) and point Six (courage) will be the focus of the module.

You will discover:

  • The core suffering of the heart that is at the root of the passion of Vanity, and its corresponding virtue of Authenticity
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of Equanimity in your daily life, and how they are related to the passion of Envy
  • The real meaning of the passion of Avarice, which is generally not the withholding of knowledge, and how it opens to the Virtue of Non-Attachment
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply Courage in your daily life, and to learn how it is the result of the transformation of fear and anxiety.
  • The core suffering of the heart at the root of the passion of Gluttony, and its transformation into Sobriety — the great stillness and intelligent sensitivity of heart.

Module 7: Practicing Virtues Somatically, Emotionally, Cognitively and Spiritually
With Jessica Dibb


Jessica will take us through a multi-textured journey through the qualities of the Virtues now that we have discovered something. Practices will bring emotional, cognitive, and spiritual intelligence to bear on the Virtues of points Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven, embracing all of ourselves from conception, birth, childhood, adulthood, now and the future as:

  • Authenticity
  • Equanimity
  • Non-attachment
  • Courage
  • Sobriety

Module 8: Awakened Mind and the Holy Ideas With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


The potential of human beings to recognize and build a vehicle for higher consciousness within our body, heart and mind has been talked about throughout the ages.

The intelligence of the Enneagram shows us how we can awaken, build and flower these dynamics by doing Inner Work with the awakened instinctual drives, the higher emotional capacities, and the higher intellect. We will focus on the transformation of mind in the next four classes, from dull states of consciousness to bright, peaceful and spacious qualities of direct knowing. George Gurdjieff referred to these qualities as the Holy Ideas, nine perspectives or vantage points of nondual awareness or the Higher Intellectual Center.

There isn’t a finish line in the process of the Holy ideas. As we bring more presence to the patterns of our thoughts and perceptions, alternative views of reality can empower us to open to a much broader range of understanding and response, without rejecting them.

You will discover in Module 8.

  • The definition and meaning of the Holy Ideas
  • The Holy Ideas relationship to the Virtues and the Essential Qualities or Gifts of each of the 9 types
  • How these deeper states of consciousness or nondual awareness relate to your usual mind and mental patterns, described in Enneagram teachings as the Fixation
  • The Holy Ideas of Enneagram points Eight through Two
  • The Law of Three from which you can discern ordinary knowing from growing awareness of the deeper qualities of Mind
  • Body-centered principles and techniques which support an opening to Higher Mind and help you live truly in the moment
  • The specific relationship between the mind’s ego fixation and the direct experience of unity of being

Module 9: Living from a Boundless Perspective: An Experiential Journey Through the Holy Ideas of Points 8 9, 1, and 2 With Jessica Dibb


The Holy ideas can’t be grasped in the usual ways that we understand them, and they are an experience of Mind beyond our usual mental activities. They aren’t qualities or felt sense.

They are elusive because they don’t have an ability to abide in our felt sense. The qualities of Mind need to be experienced directly, and all of our centers are needed for this to happen. Jessica will help us come to deeper realizations and experiences of these perspectives.

In this class, we will bring a variety of spiritual, emotional, and cognitive practices to support the realization of this non-dual ground of our consciousness.

We will look at presence from different perspectives.

  • Holy Truth
  • Holy Love
  • Holy Perfection
  • Holy Will
  • Holy Freedom

Module 10: Awakened Mind and the Holy Ideas:


The non-dual perspectives of points 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are explored in this class.

We will look at presence from different perspectives.

  • Holy Hope & Holy Harmony
  • Holy Origin
  • Holy Omniscience & Holy Transparency
  • Holy Faith
  • Holy Plan & Holy Wisdom

Module 11: Living from a Boundless Perspective With Jessica Dibb


At some point, it becomes clear that the Holy Ideas can’t be grasped in the usual ways, and that they are an experience of Mind beyond our usual mental activities. They aren’t qualities or felt sense. They are elusive because they don’t have an ability to abide in our felt sense. The qualities of Mind need to be experienced directly, and all of our centers are needed for this to happen. Jessica will help us come to deeper realizations and experiences of these perspectives. We will bring a variety of practices to support the realization of this non-dual ground of our consciousness.

We will look at presence from different perspectives.

  • Holy Hope, Harmony, and Law
  • Holy Origin
  • Holy Omniscience & Transparency
  • Holy Faith
  • Holy Plan & Wisdom

Module 12: From Relationship Structures to Shared Presence With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


We have spent many weeks opening pathways to the true depth of what we are, practicing embodiment and integrating its many qualities into our lives. Our own internal work is a necessary foundation for this development.

We must learn to stay present with other people if we want to live from our essential being.

When other people are around or when we need to accomplish tasks with them, most of us may be able to stay awake and focused in meditation or other solitary spiritual practices, but quickly reverting to our egoic patterns. We need to experience presence and radical relatedness with others.

This relatedness is always changing. It is in the moment when we encounter ourselves, others, and reality that we gain greater freedom from our egoic patterns, but also come to a deeper love and appreciation for our lives and for the people in them.

We will in this module.

  • Learn to recognize some of the psychological patterns that tend to dominate our relationships
  • Come to recognize and appreciate relationship as a structure — necessary for life, but not able to bring the heart what it truly seeks
  • Work through some of the patterns to open to new qualities of genuine relatedness: appreciation, aliveness, and kindness
  • Explore the feeling of relatedness through experiential practices
  • Learn how relatedness can become a powerful tool in maintaining our inner work and development

Module 13: Relationship as the Root of Ego AND the Doorway to Awakening With Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


We can see the difference between our persistent relationship patterns and the actual experience if we take in the learning from the previous module. The ability to recognize and hold these patterns with compassion is offered by the Enneagram teachings. Each significant encounter has been used to keep our ego self unaffected.

We may be drawn to people with whom we can continue to play out these patterns, even when it causes us great suffering. Working with them can lead to a new Self. We are able to listen, to share, to love, and to show up authentically for ourselves as a result of being liberated from our historic identity systems.

You will in this class.

  • Explore more deeply the psychological patterns which shape your historic self concept and relationship needs, working with temperament and type reactivities
  • Review some of our key relationships to understand how these patterns play themselves out in our personal lives
  • Experience how the sensations and energy flows in your body when these patterns are relaxed
  • Welcome what arises in the heart when these patterns are relaxed
  • Notice what opens in our orientation, perspectives, and thoughts about self and others, when these patterns are relaxed
  • Work on a current important relationship, seeing the patterns we are bringing to it, and considering what might happen if we were free from those patterns with that person
  • Recognize that in the journey into union, the usual sense of self AND the usual sense of other dissolves. If we truly realize oneness, what is relationship?

Module 14: The Divine is Everything: From Poverty to Treasure in our contact with the Divine (Part 1)
With Jessica Dibb & Guest Teacher Cynthia Bourgeault


Our individual sense of self and life is more limited than something else. The All that is is the Divine, God, Goddess, Source. Our quest to be in contact is limited by our personality. We can see and explore the ways we have avoided contact Divine, as well as how the personality devalues certain expressions of it, with the help of the Enneagram. The many qualities which are reflections of the Divine are what the Enneagram invites us to explore.

We will have a poverty stricken relationship with the Divine because of our fear and unexamined personality reactions. From the examined personality and through the cultivation of Presence in our bodies, hearts and minds, we become more receptive and available to God.

In this class, Cynthia Bourgeault and Jessica Dibb will show you how the Divine is reflected in each of the nine types.

You will discover:

  • How the Enneagram invites us to a more whole relationship with the Divine, including the Law of One, Three and Seven
  • How the Enneagram invites us to a more whole relationship with the Divine, including the Law of One, Three and Seven
  • How each Enneagram point is an expression of Essence and an aspect of the Divine, and how it invites us to see and release our egoic perceptions of the Divine.
  • How Point 8 is a reflection of the Divine
  • How Point 9 is a reflection of the Divine
  • How Point 1 is a reflection of the Divine

Cynthia Bourgeault is a person. The internationally renowned author is a modern-day mystic, teacher and Episcopal priest. Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind. , Nondual is the heart of centering prayer. Christianity. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Theory and practice. And The meaning of Mary Magdalene is discovering the woman at the heart of Christianity. .

Module 15: The Divine is Everything: From Poverty to Treasure in Our Contact with God (Part 2) With Jessica Dibb & Guest Teacher Cynthia Bourgeault


We can come to sense, love and know with the help of the Enneagram.

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