Kate Vidulich – Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0

Kate Vidulich – Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0

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Discover The #1 Metabolism Boosting Secret Of a Top New York City Fitness Trainer That Will Triple Your Fat Loss Results In ONLY 8 Weeks!

… with Just One Pair of Dumbbells and 8.2 Square Feet of Space

Breakthrough Article Reveals Secret to Speeding Metabolism and Fat Loss
Kate Vidulich, Certified Turbulence Trainer
New York City’s #1 Weight Loss Expert

 /></p><p>Dear friend,</p><p>I had no other choice.</p><p>With hundreds of “slimy” NYC trainers ready to swoop in and steal my clients away, I either had to eliminate the competition or pack my bags and head out of town.</p><p>Fortunately for you, and my celebrity clients, I relied on the same fat loss training secret that helped me quickly lose 41 pounds when everything else had failed me. And in just a moment I’m going to share my secret for accelerated fat loss with you.</p><p>But first, I have somewhat of an embarrassing confession to make…</p><p>You see, despite training NYC celebrities, high-powered executives, and busy stay-at-home moms in one of the most cutthroat cities in the world, I somehow got fat and overweight.</p><p><img src=

I tipped the scale at 182 pounds when I woke up the next morning. I freaked out at the thought of what my clients would think of me.

A visit to my doctor proved that I was not healthy.

An accomplished personal trainer would find herself overweight and out of shape. I had packed on 41 pounds of fat without even realizing it because of the stress of a competitive job in New York City.

How I Finally Lost 41 Pounds of Fat When Nothing Else Seemed to Work.

I was ashamed of my body and hid behind large clothes for many years. Maybe the stress caused you to gain all this weight and now you are tired of carrying around the extra pounds.

It slows you down. It isn’t good for your health. When you are overweight, you don’t feel good about yourself. I am aware of the feeling.

I realized I was the heaviest I had ever been when I woke up that morning.

I was angry at myself for letting it get this far and I was ready to do something about it.

Maybe you can relate.

I was ready to regain control and do something about the 40 plus pounds of fat I had gained.

 /> Now, what I had going for me was my scientific background and my education in Exercise Physiology, so I decided to create a science backed fat loss program that did three things better than any other fat loss program available.</p><p>1) The workouts had to be short, since I had a full roster of clients I didn’t have much time for my own training (I know, ironic).</p><p>2) The results had to come fast, very fast – there was no way I was going to be fat a day longer than I needed to be.</p><p>3) I had to be able to workout anywhere, so I needed a workout that could be done even at home with only a pair of dumbbells.</p><p>After experimenting with several different variations of exercises and workout styles I stumbled upon a training system that would work perfect for people like you and I who need to lose the fast quickly, didn’t have much time to workout out, and wanted to workout at home with practically no equipment.</p><p>But above all, the workouts had to target the stubborn fat that seems to linger around your midsection. You know, the fat that just seems to not want to come off no matter what.</p><p>And after experimenting with over a dozen different training methods I stumbled upon an intense training system that helped me drop 12% body fat in 28 days. Now that got my attention!</p><p>I had created a hybrid training program that not only burned massive amounts of fat and calories during a workout, but also kept on burning calories throughout the day by elevating your metabolism for maximum fat loss.</p><p><img src=

The workout secret I discovered is called HMC, and it helped me lose 41 pounds of fat in a record time.

I realized that I had found something powerful. It’s called hybrid Metabolic Complexes. I needed to be certain that HMC wasn’t a one-off. I test the system on myself.

I was able to reach my goal weight of 150 lbs.

For a total of 41 lbs weight lost, I dropped to 141 lbs. It wasn’t just weight loss, it was fat loss.

My arms looked hot.

All from one pair of weights.

I had more shape to my legs and my stomach was flat.

I know my program will work for you as well.

How Hybrid Metabolic Complexes Can Help You Burn 3X More Fat

You will get addicted to it once you discover it. I know I did. I was able to spend more time with my family and have more energy. The fat was falling off.

All you will ever need is one pair of dumbbells.

  • No more waiting for treadmills or sweat machines at the gym
  • No one stealing my workout space in the weights area
  • No wasting time with these fast, effective and fun workouts
  • No more wasting time transitioning from one exercise to another

The method is proven to melt fat. I am not the only one who has used these fast fat-burning workouts; I have even tested them out with my busy clients to help them blast through stubborn fat loss plateaus.

“Results in Two Weeks!”

 />“Before I started training with Accelerators, I was out of shape and had gained weight from eating too much. My workouts were random and inconsistent. I wasn’t motivated to do anything.</p><p>Kate’s workouts helped me get back in shape really quickly, and it’s been fun. And now I can see my abs. I feel more confident and strong.”</p><p>Jimmy, Sydney, Australia</p></div><div><h3><strong>Busy School Teacher Loses 31 Pounds</strong></h3><p><img src=

Kate has been an inspiration to me.

Kate helped me get back in shape two months before my birthday. I am a busy school teacher and I was having a hard time keeping up. I weighed over 73 kilogram when I started working out. I kept my weight off with the help of Kate’s online coaching programs. I feel like I am in better shape than when I was in my twenties.

I don’t like working out. I was over doing the same cardio at the gym that I had been doing for many years. Kate created a program for me to do in my flat. I lost more fat than I have before. Kate designed workouts that were challenging and easy to follow. It didn’t take up all my free time as I was looking forward to working out. Kate is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

I feel amazing without being deprived of a life.

P. Andronicos is a school teacher in London.

Flat Abs at 63 years old!

I have gotten in great shape thanks toKatie. This is the best result I have seen when working out with trainers. 11 years ago, I had a fusion of my spine. Our training has made my mobility, balance and strength the best they have ever been. My body fat is low and I have lean, defined Abs in less than 2 hours a week.

I think the most important thing is that we are doing core training and not bulking up.

The workouts are challenging, but within my capabilities. I am able to hike up hills in the countryside without stopping and I have the endurance to practice hitting tennis balls with a pro for at least a 1/2 hour. I feel great.

As a busy professional in New York, the training program and workouts are time efficient and have produced great results.

Dennis Selinger is in New York.

The Workouts Never Get Boring!

I’ve been training with Kate for the last two years. Before I worked out with Kate, my trainers had me do the same thing all the time and it was boring, too many machines and they never discussed my eating habits with me, I didn’t really have a sense of connection or understanding. Kate mixes it up all the time.

I look forward to working out and come away feeling good about myself. I travel a lot for work and am convinced that a healthy body will enhance my stamina. Kate has a sense of humor and the routines we do are varied and fun and I can honestly say I have a good time working out! Kate is careful about preventing injuries since I have a 30 year old spirit in the body of a 63 year old woman. If I fall of the wagon, she motivates me to eat healthy. I didn’t think I could do 1,000 jump ropes in 10 minutes.

Nancy Robey is anentrepreneur in New York.

There is a fact about traditional Cardio Sucks.

Cardio is not the best fat loss tool. Cardio workouts are not good for losing belly fat.

I made a huge mistake. I changed my exercises and followed politically correct information in fitness magazines in order to break my fat loss plateau. The cardio is long and boring.

I went too far. I secretly signed up to run a marathon to lose 10 pounds of fat. I was spending over six hours a week on the treadmill. You can lose muscle and gain fat with excessive endurance training.

You are similar to me in that you are willing to do whatever it takes. I was prepared to do anything to reach my goal.

Do you need more proof to put a nail in the coffin? For the science nerds out there, check this one out. There is a warning about the following study. It was shocking.

There is a science fact. One group of men performed 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day to burn 300 calories, while the other group did 60 minutes per day to burn 600 calories. The 30-minute group lost 8.8 pounds of fat and the 60-minute group lost 8.4 pounds of fat.

There is a reference in the paper by Rosenkilde, et al. There is a randomized controlled trial in overweight sedentary males. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp. Aug 1

See the results. Wouldn’t you expect to lose more fat than you exercise? No. Is it true that you are kidding me? The proof is there. If you do 30 minutes or 60 minutes aerobic exercise, you get the same fat loss results.

You don’t want to waste your time doing more of this one exercise.

Burn 3x More Fat in HALF the Time

It is a vicious cycle.

 /></p><p>Way too many magazines, TV and the Internet make us feel the fat problem is our fault. That we should do brutal 90 minute workout sessions of pure insanity, which look amazing on the infomercial, but forget to mention the time it takes away from your family and that you will feel completely exhausted, have aching joints and be sore as hell for weeks.</p><p>Let me explain…</p><p>This is a simple way to change your view towards exercise volume and fat loss results.</p><p>Increasing exercise <strong>volume</strong> does not increase the <strong>rate </strong>of fat loss.</p><h3><strong>More cardio is not the solution. It will make you skinny fat and even weaker.</strong></h3><p>Society today makes us feel that having or doing more is better. Thinking of your exercise volume as you would a savings bank account is a dangerous scenario. You see, in a savings account, the more money you accumulate, the more you are rewarded interest (well, I know you received a lot more before 2008).</p><p>Training for fat loss is <strong>NOT</strong> like this. You will save time with this method.</p><p>This recent scientific study is the proof:</p><div><p>Canadian researchers tested long cardio (30 minutes treadmill running) against bodyweight cardio workouts (4 minutes exercise: 8 rounds of 20 seconds of jumping jacks, squat thrusts, mountain climber or burpees with 10 seconds rest).The researchers concluded “extremely low volume bodyweight interval-style training” will increase cardiovascular fitness equal to regular cardio while giving you GREATER improvements in muscular endurance.</p><p><strong>SCIENCE FACT:</strong> 4 minutes of bodyweight exercise worked just as well as 30 minutes cardio.</p><p>Reference: McRae, G. et al (2012). Extremely low volume, whole-body aerobic-resistance training improves aerobic fitness and muscular endurance in females. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.</p></div><h2><strong>And The Secret to Hybrid Metabolic Complexes?</strong></h2><p>Intensity trumps volume.</p><p>I have more news for you: This secret HMC method will burn fat and condition your entire body at the <strong>SAME</strong> time. Simply changing your diet will NOT build a lean, athletic body. That’s right, you have to train hard to get the definition once you lose the belly fat.</p><p>Plateau breaking workouts take all your willpower, energy and pushes the boundaries:</p><h3><strong>Less Training Volume   More Intensity = Faster Fat Loss</strong></h3><h2><strong>Introducing…</strong></h2><p><img src=

You will be able to build a lean, athletic body without going on a starvation diet with the workout solution. You don’t have to start a whole new program. A Fat Loss Accelerator is a short series of total body exercises that you can use to raise the intensity of your current program.

 /></div><p>Click here to purchase Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0 for only $27</p><div><p>It’s my fault you are stuck on this plateau and I didn’t tell you about this sooner.</p><ul><li><strong>I know you are ALREADY motivated, why not put your effort into something that works?</strong></li></ul><ul><li><strong>Why not try something that is cool and smart, rather than doing dull cardio workouts on a machine at the gym?</strong></li></ul><ul><li><strong>Perhaps you read the wrong fitness magazine or took advice from an inexperienced trainer, but if you are only doing cardio to break your plateau, then I’m afraid to say you won’t see fast results</strong></li></ul><ul><li><strong>If you still don’t believe Fat Loss Accelerator workouts can help you break the plateau and burn fat fast, just ask folks who added this to their program:</strong></li></ul></div><div><h3>Working Mom Gets Her Confidence Back</h3><p>“When I first started training with Kate, I could not do a push-up. Not a single push-up. By the time I reached Week 8, I was doing walking push-ups, T push-ups. I couldn’t believe it.</p><p>As a busy working mother, I was surprised I could get results with such short workouts. I also travel frequently so it was very helpful to have a program I could do in the hotel gym. I was already lean but I wanted more muscle definition. Now I have a defined, athletic body. The biggest thing working out regularly has done for me is given me a sense of purpose. I feel confident and great about myself, thanks to Kate.”</p><p><strong><em>Jennifer Rogers, Account Executive, New York, NY</em></strong></p></div><div><h3>I Can Fit in My Skinny Jeans Again!</h3><p>“I have been training with Kate for 3 years. We have refined my regime so tightly that there is absolutely no time wasted. I don’t have the time or energy for workouts that don’t produce results.</p><p>We begin or end each workout with a metabolic set of full-body accelerators. These sets have become key in changing the shape of my body (and shredding fat). For strength training, we do 4 sets of 8 reps of targeted muscle groups. It’s consistency over time that keeps the results steady. I am thrilled as I can fit into my skinny jeans all the time instead of just on certain days.”</p><p><strong><em>Eleanor, New York, NY</em></strong></p></div><div><div><img src=

You can purchase Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0 for only $27.

But hey, if you want to continue doing slow cardio, then go ahead, be my guest. That’s totally cool with me if you want to spend 20 hours a week on the elliptical and continue seeing the same, slow results. Traditional cardio is the easy choice compared to my workouts.

Actually, you should really stop reading here because this program is not for you. Please stay in your training comfort zone.

If you want your body to be lean and athletic, you need to train with Fat Loss Accelerators.


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