Marc C. David – NoBull Bodybuilding Deluxe Package
Marc C. David – NoBull Bodybuilding Deluxe Package
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Learn The Insider Secrets Of A Natural Bodybuilding And Fitness Veteran, And Start Making The Best Muscle Gains Of Your Life!
“Right Here On This Web Page, You Will Discover The Simple, Proven, Fat-Burning And Muscle-Building Short Cut That Is Guaranteed To Take You From Complete “Fitness Zero” To Your Maximum Potential In Strength, Muscularity And Leanness”
The Best Part: You Can Start Seeing More Results…More Muscle, More Strength, And Less Fat… In The Next 30 Days… Even If You’re A Complete Beginner With No Training, No Dieting And No Bodybuilding Knowledge Or Experience!
Dear friend.
They say, If only I knew then what I know now.
It’s true when it comes to gaining muscle and losing fat when you’re interested in fitness.
If you don’t know. Exactly. What are you doing? From the beginning. It can take years to get the type of body you want and deserve, if you make many costly diet and training mistakes. If you listen to the bad advice, you could gain fat or lose muscle.
You don’t have to go through years of trial and error, slow progress and head-pounding frustration like most people do. You can shorten your learning curve. Even if you are a hard gainer, you can still make steady, continuous muscle gains.
Only If you know all the inside secrets of how the beginner’s and intermediate-level game is different from the advanced game, only if you know which training, nutrition and supplement mistakes to avoid, and only if you know someone who is willing to reveal. All. These secrets are for you.
That’s right. In the first 17 days, I have gone from 235 lbs to 221 lbs. It took 14 lbs to be lost in 2 1/2 weeks. They say you should lose 1 to 2 lbs a week, but I attribute my weight loss to a major lifestyle change. I feel better, I have more energy, and I look forward to going to the gym. People ask me if I have lost weight, my face looks thinner, and my clothes are getting tighter. That’s right. That’s right. The person isBlake Mengotto. That’s right. It is a few days short of 2 months since I purchased your book and have already lost 6% of my body fat. I have gained 1/2 inch in my bicep. That’s right. The name of the person isDenise Boyce. That’s right. That is where your book came in. Valuable time and money have been saved by you. It is easy to understand because you have done all the work. I didn’t know much about the proper way to work out. I feel like I have the knowledge to make good decisions about my health. I don’t waste time with foods that don’t work. I can feel the difference in my attitude and energy level. ” That’s right. There is a person named Jennifer Crawford. That’s right. At the start of the program, I weighed 145 lbs and had 8% body fat. I have gained 20 lbs of lean body mass and lost 3.5 lbs of fat because I am now up to 162 lbs and 5% bodyfat. That’s right. Wildred from Switzerland. I hit an all time best of 275 lbs X 6 with a one time MAX of 319 lbs after breaking a bench press plateau. That’s right. Joe Brown is a man. NoBull Bodybuilding. It is the most important item I have ever bought for nutrition or working out. That’s right. That’s right. Ray Harris. |
Stop Wasting Time, Skip The Trial And Error “Learning Curve” And Start Getting Leaner And More Muscular Now!
It sucks when you put in time and effort, but months or even years go by and your body still looks the same… or, when you get some results, but it’s just happening too slowly!
It pisses you off when you see other people cheat and get an unfair advantage because you know you could do better.
I know all too well how it feels, because I started working out at 16 and never got any decent results until I was in my 30’s.
I don’t know if your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat or both.
Regardless of your goals, your age or your current physical condition, you can use the same breakthrough I discovered in my 30’s that allowed me to finally crack the muscle growth code and gain 55 pounds of muscle in 12 months, after 16 years.
Don’t Waste Years Of Your Life Making These Costly Training Mistakes!
I needed to gain muscle when I was a teenager. You could see my collarbone and ribs through my chest. I could see my ribs poking through my back. I weighed 130 pounds and could only bench press 70 pounds. As an overweight man or woman is to lose weight, I was equally desperate to pack muscular weight on my bones.
I fell into the same traps as everyone else. I did what the magazines told me to do. I ate almost everything I saw while I worked out. I am embarrassed to tell you how much I spent on supplements. All of it, to no avail.
It was frustrating and humiliating to spend so much time, money and effort while not getting anything in return. You couldn’t measure the gains I made in my 20’s because they were so small. My friends and family told me that it wasn’t worth the effort and that I should just give it up.
There are short cut secrets to success in body building.
It was a stroke of luck that I was introduced to three mentors who taught me the true shortcut secrets to gaining weight. I met a supplement guru who broke every myth and lie I had been told about supplements. This saved me a small fortune and gave me the extra edge to grow again after so many years of being stagnant.
I was led to a genius who created a training system that boosted the strength and muscle mass of almost everyone who used it.
It was the same system that created several of the top natural bodybuilders in the world and it was the first time I ever started getting real gains in muscle mass.
One of the top fat loss experts in the world introduced me and I became good friends. The final piece of the puzzle was my interest in building muscle, understanding diet, metabolism and fat loss.
I was shocked by what I learned. It was a little embarrassed. I was a fool. I was not sure how many things I was doing wrong. I was making dumb mistakes that would have been easy to correct.
I don’t know what I know now.
I was as stubborn as a mule. By finding the right mentors and making a few simple changes to my training, diet and supplements, everything could turn around so quickly.
The pictures show that I have gone from a weakling to almost 200 pounds of muscle. I gained a total of 70 pounds, 55 pounds of it in less than a year, after I finally got the right information in all three areas.
Four years ago, after making this breakthrough which caused such quick and dramatic muscle gains, I launched a bodybuilding and fitness website and a Discuss Bodybuilding forum, where I started helping others who were having the same problems I used to have.
Thousands of people, especially beginners, were stumbling around in the dark, just begging for someone to shed some light on how to start training, diet and taking supplements the right way.
The program was designed with the idea of the person with a life, a job and a family in mind.
There are tons of diet and training programs, but they don’t apply to real people. The programs are either too scientific or designed for advanced trainees. The single person who has nothing better to do than be in the gym all day, eat healthy and repeat is the focus of many. It is great if you are single, but what about the rest of us? Those who have jobs, a life, a cat, and don’t want to live in the gym?
Almost every aspect of the advanced game is different. You have to learn proper strategy for a beginner’s physiology. If you go to the gym every day for the next 20 years, you won’t get the results you want. I almost did.
Even the most advanced pros had a mentor who would expose these secrets to them somewhere along the way.
A simple but complete system that covers all aspects of the game, created by an experienced veteran, is what anyone could use to reach their maximum potential for muscle growth, fat loss.
It took me 16 years of blood, sweat, tears and frustration, making stupid mistakes over and over again, and then another four years to gather this information through researching, collecting forum posts and doing some of the most laborious surveys of advanced, intermediate and beginning bodybuilders ever conducted.
There is an amazing new e-book.
The NoBull e-book contains some of the critical information every person should know before they start.
The truth about how long it takes to gain muscle mass and lose body fat, not the fairy tales you read in the magazines and supplement ads. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it How to look presentable and avoid embarrassment. If you prefer to stay at home, you will discover what equipment to buy and how to get started on a shoestring, the first time you work out in a gym.
T. You can discover the truth about genetics and your ultimate potential for muscle mass or leanness, but there is a catch.
If you start after the age of 40, what results will you get? If you mess this up, you will get hurt, overtrained or hormonally deficient.
Steroids and performance enhancing drugs are not necessary. If you know the facts about safe and natural methods that work for permanent gains, you will be able to make 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110 888-739-5110
You don’t have to learn how to lose fat, gain muscle or sculpt your body into the exact shape you want with the NoBull Bodybuilding e-book. It ends the need for searching for days through magazines, books and websites.
Most of the information in the magazines is useless to real people.
Most of the training information is worthless if you want to read it. A small number of genetically gifted people can make progress no matter what they do, even following routines from the magazines, but 99% of all people can’t get one time when they first begin training.
If a person gets big by taking thousands of dollars worth of steroids, you won’t get the muscle or low body fat levels you want.
You won’t be able to duplicate the routine of someone who never had an ounce of fat to begin with. Progress comes hard for average people like you and me.
Finally, here is a simple system, easy to follow, designed for the mass and the genetically average, to start burning off body fat and adding lean muscle, fast!
The information in the magazines is not good. It doesn’t stop there. I have never seen a program that was easy for a person to master in a reasonable period of time.
They are almost never in a format you can easily follow, such as a list of answers to frequently asked questions, or a step by step guide in NON scientific terms that anyone can understand and learn quickly.
Would you rather have your questions answered in plain English and your diet and workouts handed to you on a platter?
It is a respectable thing if you want to know the science behind it all, but my surveys show that most people just want a diet plan with a shopping list, a simple, step by step workout program, and answers to all their questions.
NoBull Bodybuilding gives you that!
I want you to join my online course. … If you leave your name and email below, I will send you a 10-part mini-course in your email. You will get the weekly live NoBull Bodybuilding tips e-zine and free instant access to my 19 Secrets to build Muscle report as a bonus. There is an outline for my NoBull Bodybuilding E-course. The first lesson is no bull getting started. There are no bull ways to change your mindset. There is no bull nutrition for maximum gains. Lesson 4 does not include a fitness plan. No Bull Aerobics Training Plan is Lesson 5. No Bull Stretching and Flexibility Plan is Lesson 6. No Bull Supplement Fact Sheet was Lesson 7. Lesson 8: No tracking of progress. There are no bull methods for climbing past the plateau. Where do I go from here? Over the course of a year, I have lost over 50 lbs by using the methods designed to switch my metabolism in fat burning mode. I am stunned at the results my body is achieving, and I plan on making fitness and eating right a lifetime commitment after living most of my life as an obese person. I didn’t think I’d have six-pack abs until I saw them! Fat loss done the right way is boring and long. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get to 6% body fat. Keep the ideas coming! That’s right. There is a person named Zachary Abelardo. You have done a good job of cutting through the hype. That’s right. Wade Noah. That’s right. I have benefited greatly from the subtle tidbits you provided, which helped to shatter any myths that remained in my mind. Thank you for your articles. I was happy to make changes to my diet and training. That’s right. That’s right. T. Ara. There is a person named Sundaram. I can tell you that I have heard it all. It is refreshing to hear the truth. The facts that you present in the NoBull Bodybuilding lessons say a lot more than the hype in popular fitness magazines combined. That’s right. There is a person namedRonnieSpann. The information inside is very solid and straight forward, and anyone who is new to bodybuilding can gain a lot of essential knowledge, saving a lot of wasted time and effort from the start. That’s right. John-Paul. I have learned a lot in less than five minutes. Thank you so much! Victor Alarcon. I think your e-book covered the basics well. It is good to hear honesty and integrity in the fitness industry. Will Darsow. That’s right. I have made a lot of mistakes over the last 14 months. Your program has explained methods and instructed me in detail, so that I have seen more gains in 30 days than in the last year, and all at no cost to me. That’s right. That’s right. David Sanchez is a person. This is a private mailing list. never I don’t like the idea of being sold or given away for anything. You can subscribe to the Mini-Course and Weekly NoBull Bodybuilding Ezine by filling in your email address.
Within minutes, you will receive your first lesson and eBook. Your free newsletter subscription will start as well. You will never hear from me again if you subscribe quickly and easily. After you subscribe, you will be directed to a confirmation page. Just a moment, your first lesson will arrive. Please check your email. . We will never sell your information to anyone. I don’t like SPAM and I respect your privacy.
Here is a sneak peek at some of the secrets and questions that are answered in the new book…
There are weight training secrets that will help you lose weight.
- How many sets should you do?
- How long should you rest between sets?
- How many reps?
- How many exercises?
- How long should each workout last?
- How much weight should you start with?
- How do you know when to increase the weight and by how much?
- What is the best time of day to train?
- How many days a week should you train?
- Is it best to use machines or free weights?
- What’s better, barbells or dumbbells?
- What is the fastest way to increase your bench press?
- Is Bowflex or Total Gym enough or do you have to use free weights?
- What are the best exercises to do at home if you don’t want to join a gym?
- If you could own only one piece of home equipment, what should it be?
- Should you use full body workouts or split routines?
- What is the best split routine for gaining muscle mass?
- What are the best exercises for building mass?
- How often should you change your workouts?
- How do you know if you’re overtraining?
- Should women train differently than men?
- Do you need forced reps to put on muscle mass?
- Should you train to failure?
- How do you gain muscle mass without gaining fat?
- How do you increase your strength faster?
- What techniques do pro bodybuilders use to get so huge?
- If you only have 30 minutes to work out, what kind of program should you use?
- What is the best routine to increase your arm size quickly?
How to reveal your six pack with the secrets of fat loss.
You can gain muscle without gaining body fat, and you can get as lean as you want to be, regardless of your body type.
There are a few fat loss questions answered in NoBull.
- How do you get rid of stubborn fat on your abs?
- How do you get rid of butt and thigh fat?
- Is it really impossible to spot reduce? What about the new topical fat loss agents?
- How do you get rid of cellulite?
- Why do some people seem to stay lean without even trying?
- How often should you weigh yourself and take measurements?
- How many calories should you eat to lose body fat?
- How much weight should you lose and how do you know what is your ideal weight?
- What is the best way to get rid of a beer gut?
- Are low carb diets really the best way to get ripped?
- Are low carb diets dangerous?
- What is the best way to calculate your body fat percentage?
- Why does your weight fluctuate so much on a day to day basis?
- Is core training just a fad or does it really work?
- Is it ok to train your abs every day?
- What are the best abdominal exercises?
- Are sit ups a good ab exercise or just a low back wrecker?
- Can you lose weight just from lifting (no cardio)?
- How do you get totally ripped abs, like Brad Pitt in Fight Club
You want to know about nutrition for health, energy, weight loss and muscle growth.
Have you heard the expression bodybuilding is 80% nutrition? You can rest assured that most of the game is won or lost in the kitchen, not in the gym.
How do you know? Thousands of people work out hard. They bust their ass in the weight room. They blow it when they leave the gym and sit at the dinner table. Could this be you? If so.
You will learn how to build muscle and burn calories in the NoBull system.
- What are the best foods for gaining muscle and losing fat?
- What is the best percentage of protein, carbs and fat?
- What is the best formula to figure out how many calories you need?
- Does the 40-30-30 “Zone” diet really work?
- Does the Atkins diet work and is it safe?
- Does the South Beach Diet work?
- Does The Burn The Fat Diet work?
- How do you eat healthy when you’re traveling all the time?
- If you’re on a budget, how do you keep your food costs down?
- If you feel tired all the time, what’s the best way to increase your energy?
- How much protein should you eat every day?
- If you want to drink, which alcoholic beverage will be least harmful to your results?
- Is it okay to drink coffee? What about diet soda?
- What should you eat after you train? Is food okay or do you need to have one of those special “recovery” drinks?
- Should you carbo load or eat anything special before workouts?
- Is it really necessary to count calories?
- Should you eat different on the days you’re not training?
- How much water should you drink?
- How many calories do you need to eat to gain mass?
The truth about supplements has finally been revealed.
Are you confused about supplements? Not sure who to trust? Don’t look to the magazines for advice. NoBull Bodybuilding has all the answers to your questions about supplements.
- Do you need to take any supplements at all or is a balanced diet good enough?
- Which 2 or 3 supplements should you take first?
- How do you get supplements cheap if you have a very limited budget?
- What are the best fat burning supplements?
- Does caffeine burn fat?
- Does creatine really work?
- When should you take your creatine?
- What are the side effects of creatine?
- Is the creatine loading phase necessary?
- Is it necessary to take simple carbs with your creatine?
- Does caffeine or anything else cancel out creatine?
- If you’re female and you don’t want to gain weight – should you still use creatine?
- Is whey the best type of protein?
- Does NO2 work?
- Does Glutamine Work?
- Does ZMA work?
- Does HMB work?
- Do growth hormone releasing supplements work?
- What are the best protein bars with the least sugar and fat?
- Aerobic Training Tips & Tactics For Maximum Fitness And Fat Loss
Not interested in bulking up? Want a model type of body? The NoBull system will show you how to do it.
- What is best way to increase endurance and stamina?
- Should you do cardio on an empty stomach or will that make you lose muscle?
- Is jumping rope a good exercise for burning fat?
- How many times a week should you do cardio to lose weight?
- Should you switch the type of cardio you do every day?
- What time of day should you do your cardio?
- Should you do cardio right after weights or in a separate session?
- Is high intensity interval training (HIIT) really better than regular cardio?
- What is the optimum “fat burning zone” for cardio to lose weight?
- Is it okay to do cardio before you lift?
- Is it necessary to do cardio or can you just lose fat with diet?
- What should you eat before and after your cardio workout?
- How do you do cardio without losing muscle?
- Is swimming a good workout?
- Can you lose fat with walking or do you have to run?
- Can you get a cardio workout from weight training?
- What is the fastest way to increase your bench press?
No Stone has been left unturned in the NoBull system, so these sneak previews are just the tip of the Iceberg.
First, discover what. Thousands of people. Natural muscle seekers are talking about the nobull system.
There are many examples of how. NoBull is a body builder. Is not only. The bodies are being changed. But. Changing. There are people living. …
In the first 17 days, I went from 235 lbs to 221 lbs. That’s right. I was very fit when I was in the Marines. I put on the pounds when I was busy with work and family. I stopped working out, drank beer, and was on my way to becoming a Jabba The Hut look-alike. I went from 167 lbs to 235 lbs. I am 5 feet 5 inches. I decided to get back into shape. I downloaded the e-book from The Beginner’s Guide to Fitness & Bodybuilding, which was recommended to me by a co-worker. In the first 17 days, I went from 235 lbs to 221 lbs. 14 lbs were lost in 2 1/2 weeks. They say you should lose 2 lbs a week, but I think it’s because of a major lifestyle change. I feel better, my clothes fit better, and people have asked if I have lost weight. The person isBlake Mengotto. Rodeo California. |
NoBull is a life changing book. That’s right. I was embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach before I read the book. I have gained more energy and feel healthier now that I have taken my shirt off. My transformation experience taught me that no matter what age you are, you can get out of a rut. Follow through if you decide to do it and get the right information. That is what the book is all about. John Klein is a person. Chicago, Illinois. |
It will save you a lot of trial and error in the gym. That’s right. The NoBull eBook is a great companion for anyone new to fitness. It covers the basics of training, diet, nutrition and supplements. It is a great reference that can be used for years to come, because it is packed with information and links to many great resources on the web. It is written and illustrated in a non-intimidating way that is fun to read. The format and layout of this eBook is very good. The concept of having a book in e-form is more desirable than a hardback copy due to the ease of navigation. The eBook will save you years of trial and error in the gym. Robert DiMaggio was a baseball player. IronMagLabs is owned by the owner. |
After only 2 months on this program, Shattered Plateau and Hit All Time Best on Bench Press. Even though I have only been on your program for 2 months, your advice has already produced incredible gains for me. I hit an all time best of 275 lbs X 6 with a one time MAX of 319 lbs after using your training recommendations. I had a heart attack 8 years ago and have been struggling to come back ever since. I decided to get smart about my goals after 7 years of trying. Your information and the resou. Delivery MethodAfter your purchase, you will see a View your orders link on the Downloads page. All the files associated with your order can be downloaded here. Once your payment is confirmed, we will send you a download notification email, separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from Our suggestion is to save it to your hard drive since it is a digital copy. If the link is broken, please contact us and we will send a new link. Don’t worry if you can’t find the download link. We will let you know as soon as possible. Thank you for shopping with us! 9 reviews for NoBull is a package by Marc C. David.There are no reviews yet. Register
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