An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology Fourth Edition

An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology Fourth Edition

Providing the ultimate terminology reference for veterinary assistants and technicians, AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO VETERINARY MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, 4e provides an engaging, systematic approach to learning medical terms and understanding basic principles of veterinary medicine. This user-friendly textbook delivers a unique pedagogical presentation that makes it a comprehensive learning resource. Focusing on how medical terms are formed, analyzed, and defined, the text discusses anatomical landmarks, the positioning of animals, and the relationships between body parts. It also introduces terms used in the animal industry. Case studies illustrate how medical terminology is experienced in real-world practice, and an audio wordlist enables readers to hear the terms they are learning.


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About the Author

Dr. Janet Romich has taught a variety of veterinary technician and science courses at Madison Area Technical College in Madison, Wisconsin, where she was honored with the Distinguished Teacher Award for her use of technology in the classroom, advisory and professional activities, publication list and fundraising efforts. She also received the Wisconsin Veterinary Technician Association’s Veterinarian of the Year Award for her work in teaching and mentoring veterinary technician students. Dr. Romich is the author of AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO VETERINARY MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY WITH MINDTAP, FUNDAMENTALS OF PHARMACOLOGY FOR VETERINARY TECHNICIANS and UNDERSTANDING ZOONOTIC DISEASES, and she co-authored DELMAR’S VETERINARY TECHNICIAN DICTIONARY. She remains active in veterinary medicine through her clinical relief practice and work on an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee for a hospital research facility. After receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, she earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and then a Master of Science focused on FDA drug research, also at UW-Madison.

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#22,054 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in General (Books) #12 in Medical Dictionaries #18 in Medical Dictionaries & Terminology (Books)

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