Analyzing Social Networks
Analyzing Social Networks
Designed to walk beginners through core aspects of collecting, visualizing, analyzing, and interpreting social network data, this book will get you up-to-speed on the theory and skills you need to conduct social network analysis. Using simple language and equations, the authors provide expert, clear insight into every step of the research process?including basic maths principles?without making assumptions about what you know. With a particular focus on NetDraw and UCINET, the book introduces relevant software tools step-by-step in an easy to follow way.In addition to the fundamentals of network analysis and the research process, this Second Edition focuses on: Digital data and social networks like Twitter Statistical models to use in SNA, like QAP and ERGM The structure and centrality of networks Methods for cohesive subgroups/community detectionSupported by new chapter exercises, a glossary, and a fully updated companion website, this text is the perfect student-friendly introduction to social network analysis.
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Best Sellers Rank | #502,681 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store) #95 in Social Science Methodology #190 in Social Science Research #432 in Social Sciences Methodology |
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