Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services

Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services

This book/workbook is a step-by-step guide through the case management process, from intake and assessment to referrals and termination. The fifth edition focuses on what is most important for readers to consider, document, and pass along in each step of the human services process. Chapters walk readers through each step of the case management process, while realistic exercises drawn from active professionals expose readers to a broad range of true-to-life circumstances and difficulties.


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Editorial Reviews


“This text is an integrative guide that describes the complexities of case management in an engaging manner. A great text for courses that train professionals to deal with case management issues.”

“This is an excellent text that covers all the basics of case management in a very usable and applicable format. Case histories, exercises, and the accompanying CD are very helpful.”

About the Author

Nancy Summers is a professor at Harrisburg Area Community College, where she has served as department chair. Summers was the director of public education for a mental health system and has worked with numerous agencies to provide training, improve services, and assist with an internal reorganization. She remains actively in touch with numerous professionals in a wide variety of programs and recently published work on the supervision of the less experienced human services worker.

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#19,922 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Machinery Engineering (Books) #29 in Education Counseling #46 in Medical Counseling

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