Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases 16th Edition

Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases 16th Edition

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ISBN-13: 978-0134167848

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Concepts and cases of strategic management. 16th edition

In today’s economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. Strategic Management captures the complexity of the current business environment and delivers the latest skills and concepts with unrivaled clarity, helping readers develop their own cutting-edge strategy through skill-developing exercises. The Sixteenth Editionhas been thoroughly updated and revised with current research and concepts. This edition includes 30 new cases and end-of-chapter material, including added exercises and review questions. KEY TOPICS: The Nature of Strategic Management; The Business Vision and Mission; The External Assessment; The Internal Assessment; Strategies in Action; Strategy Analysis and Choice; Implementing Strategies: Management, Operations, and Human Resources Issues; Implementing Strategies: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues; Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control; Business Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Environmental Sustainability; Global and International Issues; How to Prepare and Present a Case Analysis MARKET:For management professionals, small business owners, and others involved in business. There are 13 books in this series. Ask anyone with a big book collection, and they’ll tell you moving them was the hardest part of the move. Take down a bookshelf and there’s often no less than four! Possibly up to eight, good Lord if it’s over ten, boxes of dense material. This is the single greatest argument for welcoming ebooks moreover! Abandoning print and having your PDF! On display instead doesn’t sound like such a bad idea while carrying book box number seven to the car.We are online store selling books, our store stocks over 500 thousand great books and Audiobooks. We are a perfect place for those looking for the best books, audio books. Enjoy the book buying experience with our reliable book storebuy online best books from

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