[Download Now] Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Feldenkrais

[Download Now] Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Feldenkrais

[Download Now] Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Feldenkrais

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[Download Now] Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Feldenkrais


Introductory Talks

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Listen to the full introduction from Growing Young by Alan Questel

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Excerpts from May the Force Go Through You and Uncommon Sensing™ by Alan Questel

Learn how generating choices is preferable than knowing the “right way” of doing things, the importance clear skeletal support and understanding of the self image.

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Excerpts from Balance by Alan Questel

Alan talks about Balance as a dynamic act and the challenge in attending to it and improving it.

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Excerpt from a book. Falling… by Alan Questel

Listen to a short biography of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, gain an understanding of how thinking, feeling, sensing and moving all relate together and find out how Alan “fell” into the Feldenkrais Method ® .

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Excerpts from a book. The moment we start. And. Pleasure of the challenge. by Alan Questel

Alan talks about the reasons people come to the Feldenkrais Method ® , why movement is the medium of choice, when we decide to be comfortable and some guidelines for doing lessons.


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‘ There are threads and gentle fingers. From the beginning. Uncommon sense. by Alan Questel

In this lesson, you will learn how to move from your front and back in a way that develops a full engagement and distribution of action throughout the rest of your self.

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‘ Lifting and shortening are done. From the beginning. There is a moment where we begin. by Alan Questel

It is possible for a change in initiation and attention to provide you with a completely different experience of the same action.

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‘ There is attention on the return. From the beginning. Reversibility. by Alan Questel

We mostly watch the action in one direction in most movements. We don’t look at how we bring ourselves back to a resting state and what we do before we move again. This lesson will show you how much we are already preparing for something.


This is the first episode of the show. The speaker series is sponsored by CranioCradle.

Alan talked about embodied healing and creativity.

The second episode of the show is called Podcast 2. How do I help people gain more confidence through the process so they actually feel like they can go out and practice the work? When someone is competent to practice is a job of an educational director. There is a range that people practice in by the end of the training, some are highly skilled, some less skilled and there are many in the middle. I can say that someone is competent, but they don’t feel competent. What needs to happen in the course of the training so that they are ready to do so is the question. The question is, of course, how do you get people to feel different? If you want to download the mp3 on Mac, you can hold down the option key and click the link, and if you want to download the mp3 on Windows, you can right click the link and select Save Target As.

This week’s show is called Podcast 3. I tried to define creativity in a way that was not in line with the idea of creativity. I looked for movement experiences that led people to have an embodied sense of the experience of it, rather than just a cognitive understanding of it, as I explored different concepts that exist within the realm of the creative process. There is a group of people who look to the floor and start to get depressed after some of them shoot their hands up. Do you know someone who is more creative than you? Everyone raises there hand. I will ask the question, what is different between you and them? Someone who is more creative was the only difference I came up with.

Delivery Method

Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Feldenkrais

Listen to several introductory talks by Alan Questel. Each one discusses a different aspect of the Feldenkrais Method® to give you a better understanding of the Method and how you can benefit.

To listen to a mp3, click on the links below, which will open up your favourite media player and play the mp3. If you would prefer to download the mp3, on Mac you can hold down the “option” key and click the link and for Windows users you can right click on the link and select “Save Target As”.

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