[Download Now] Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy
[Download Now] Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy
[Download Now] Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy
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[Download Now] Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy
Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy
Salepage: http://www.diamondalignment.com/store/packages.html#foundation
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The package is called Power of Joy.
There are Diamond Discourse Transmissions and Activations.
No matter what is going on around you or within you, Diamond Discourse Transmissions and Activations will melt your resistance to the Power of Joy and strengthen your ability to hold/flow this vibrational power. It is possible to transform your life by using the power of joy within your cells.
The. The power of joy. The audio package includes:
- Introduction to the “Power of Joy”
- Clearing Shame Forging the way to the “Power of Joy”
- Receiving Jesus’ Gift – “The Power of Joy”
- Removal of the Seal on Jesus
- Anchoring the “Power of Joy” into the Earth
- The New Set Point – Standing on New Ground
The Power of Joy was transmitted to Diamond Leaders across the world on a 33 day Power of Joy Journey. There is a Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake. The Power of Joy was brought into the Earth plane as a new foundation for financial freedom and flow in our physical world.
If you step into the Multidimensional Diamond Field, you will be able to receive and anchor the Power of Joy in your cells and on this Earth.
The Diamond Light Saber is the most powerful tool you will receive.
Golden Diamond JOY Power will be receiving these transmissions and activations.
- GROW your Fearless Expression of Golden Diamond JOY
- CLARIFY your experience of Golden Diamond JOY as “P” Power
- INCREASE your Ability to STAND in the Power of JOY
- ANCHOR the vibrational power of JOY as the Foundation for your Financial Freedom & Flow
- MELT DOWN the Resistance to JOY within you
- TRANSFORM the Resistance to Joy around you
- EXPAND the Flow of Golden Diamond Joy in your cells
- TRANSMUTE the misconceptions of Joy in your mind
- OPEN you to the Healing and Regeneration Power of JOY
- AMPLIFY your Multidimensional JOY TO BE FELT in the chaos and density of the 3D world
- DEEPEN your Trust in the Great Diamond VOID
- BOOST your Physical Energy Flow
- SERVE the Golden Global Shift we are in
The Diamond Joy Transmissions take place in the Multidimensional realm of Diamond Consciousness, beyond time and space, and are just as powerful when you receive them via mp3 audio recording. They are relevant now.
There is a celebration of anchoring golden diamond joy.
Financial freedom and flow in our world together!
The Diamond Foundation has a special package.
There are three MP3 Discourse Transmissions and three MP3 Diamond Activations.
US $597
Establishing a strong foundation for Diamond Masters.
There are Diamond Foundation Discourse Transmission and Diamond Activation recordings. Diamond alignments. In three essential areas of the Diamond Technology, you can use the Diamond’s Power, both ON and Offline.
- Expanding your Capacity to Receive
Not being aligned with the Divine in ourselves can diminish or literally pinch off our ability to receive the abundant flow from Source. In this Diamond Discourse and Activation, Jacqueline Joy activates the expansion of your receiving channel to the flow of Magic, Miracles and Gifts that your Diamond Consciousness has for you. More … -
Diamond Joy in the Body
Staying charged with the high vibration of Joy has the ability to alchemically transform lower vibration feelings. In this Discourse Transmission and Activation, Jacqueline Joy activates your innate power of Joy to transmute old limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that have been held in your body … empowering you to feel the Joy of your true Self and the flow of your true vibration … “Joy in the Body”. More … -
Clearing your Energy Field
We live in a world that is pure energy and as such, we are susceptible to the invisible thoughts, feelings and energies that are circulating around us. It is extremely important to clear our Energy field daily to feel good and to stay in our own vibration. Jacqueline Joy’s Clearing Discourse Transmission and Activation will awaken your awareness and activate your ability to use advanced technologies to keep your Energy Field clear and your vibration high. More …
The Diamond Audio Activations work with the Diamond Transmissions of Information and Energy to give you a foundation for mastering alignment with your Diamond Consciousness in the specific areas covered in the Discourse.
See the full description. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it The Diamond Foundation package.
The package includes:
- Three Discourse Transmissions
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $333.00 - Three Diamond Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $264.00
Special package for diamond life applications.
There are two things: Discourse Transmissions and Diamond Activations.
Key areas of your life are your curiosities.
There are Diamond Discourse Transmission and Activation recordings. Diamond alignments. You can learn how to use the Diamond’s Power in life applications, both on and offline. There is a powerful Diamond Energy Transmission. You will get a powerful flow of Diamond Consciousness in key arenas of your life with the Diamond Transmissions of Information and Energy included in your package.
- Diamond Consciousness in Relationship
The coagulated, stuck energy of old relationship patterns held in our cells can keep us from experiencing the natural flow of our Soul’s Joy and effortlessness in relationship. In this Discourse Transmission and Activation, Jacqueline Joy activates the release of this overlay at the core energetic level, freeing us to relate in the most joyous, effortless and successful way … from the Clarity and Joy of our Diamond Consciousness … the Diamond way! More … -
Diamond Consciousness in Financial Flow
Many of us carry individual and collective misperceptions and programming around material wealth, which suppresses our ability to manifest in the physical world. In this Discourse Transmission and Activation, Jacqueline Joy pierces the illusion that money is separate from the Infinite Flow from Divine Source, and triggers the release of these limiting impressions from our energy field. Her Transmissions open our receptivity to Divine Intervention in relation to money and activate Diamond Consciousness in our physical cells to attract financial flow into our lives. More …
The Diamond Activations work with the Diamond Transmissions of Information and Energy to give you a foundation for aligning with your Diamond Consciousness in these important areas of life.
See the full description. Diamond life application package
The package includes:
- Two Discourse Transmissions
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $222.00 - Two Diamond Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $176.00
Diamond Aloha Activations, Discourses and Transmissions are the best.
with Jacqueline Joy.
Pre-Requisite for this package: Must be a “Diamond Connection” Subscriber. If you are not yet a “Diamond Connection” Subscriber, you may sign up here for Subscriber Specials.
Multidimensional Diamond Aloha Power and Joy will help you charge your life. These are the Diamond Aloha Activations, Discourses and Transmissions.
The Diamond Aloha Activations, Discourses and Transmissions were originally delivered. Diamond alignments. A spiritual leader is in a live intensive.
The event was only open to seasoned Diamond Aloha subscribers.
The special Diamond event took place immediately after the invitation to carry out Diamond work in the deep South Pacific on the islands of Tonga and Kauai.
- Swimming with the Whale Kingdom
- Receiving powerful Whale codes
- “Teaming up” Multidimensionally with these ancient Beings in raising thes vibration of the Planet
- Diamondization of the Earth’s magnetic Core
- Diamondization of the waters of the Planet
- Globally transmitting the frequency of Diamond Aloha through the Sacred Diamond Technology
The Diamond Aloha Activations and Transmissions were powered by Diamond Aloha Power. The diamond is aligned. The receiver is creating a new thing. There is a world called Diamond Aloha World. They are spreading the power of loving presence throughout the world. Through this unique package, you have the chance to tune in and experience the power of each experience.
Some of the Transmissions are included in this package.
- Activating the Diamond Aloha Unified Field
- Multidimensional Magic in the Physical World
- Growing your Diamond Aloha Power
- The 1000-frequency Golden Energy Transmission
- The Whale Kingdom and the Diamond Aloha Wake
The Diamond Aloha Transmissions take place in the Multidimensional realm of Diamond Consciousness, beyond time and space, and are just as powerful when you receive them via mp3 or CD Audio Recording.
You will have a new foundation with these transmissions. There is a world called Diamond Aloha World. Within your own life.
There is a Diamond Mastery Series.
There are nine mp3 recordings and three remote diamond clearings.
US $1263.00
If you want to become a diamond master, you need to step up.
You can live in the Power and Joy of your Diamond Consciousness regardless of what is happening around you.
Each of us, as a spark of the Divine, arrives on this Earth with a Divine Blueprint that is imprinted with our Soul’s Highest Diamond Potential waiting to be awakened and actualized. The Diamond Self Within is hidden in every cell and contains our unique talents and gifts.
This series combines Diamond Energy Transmissions, Remote Diamond Clearings, Q&A Coaching and Diamond Activations. These work to transform limitations of the lower human ego, and accelerate the embodiment of your Diamond I AM Presence.
These diamond transmissions will inspire you.
- Free yourself from the limiting “grip” of your lower human ego
- Feel the power and ecstasy of embodying your Diamond “I AM” Presence
- Experience functioning at your highest level with lower human ego serving your Diamond “I AM” Presence
- Accelerate the manifestation of your heart’s desire in the high-frequency Diamond Energy Field
- Ignite your excitement for your life and purpose
- Fuel the fulfillment of your Diamond Blueprint
- Move you toward the “Tipping Point” of Diamond Joy, Equanimity and Wealth of Being in your life
See the full description. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it There is an IGNITE DIAMOND MASTERY SERIES.
See it. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it There are special diamond packages that work.
The complete series includes:
- Three Discourse Transmissions
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $333.00 - Three Specialized Remote Diamond Clearings
– Value: $333.00 - Three Q&A Coaching Calls
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $333.00 - Three Diamond Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $264.00
These Diamond Energy Transmissions are being received. You will be able to experience more Joy in your body, clarity in your mind, and freedom in your spirit with the help of the LlVE.
There is an 11-Day Diamond Journey.
The package contains an mp3 audio package.
US $111.00
Pre-Requisite must be a Diamond Connection subscriber.
If you are not a Diamond Connection subscriber.
You may. sign up here There are Subscriber Specials.
For the first time in the history of mankind. The diamond is aligned. As a global presence. The founder and voice of the group. The diamond is aligned. The Multidimensional Power of the Diamond Technology can be used to penetrate and destroy the trance overlays, distortions and projections on Jesus Christ.
The Diamond Technology has been used by the Presence of Jesus to clear the trance distortions of Jesus Christ in Consciousness and to open the gateway to financial freedom and flow on the planet.
There are recordings of the original 11-Day Diamond Intensive with Diamond Receivers. There is a gap between the 3D perspective of Jesus and Multidimensional Christ Consciousness and the Gateway. Christ has a diamond in his consciousness. The key to financial freedom and flow is living in a state. Diamond Wealth of Being is true. .
The recorded transmissions are just as effective as the conference calls.
You will be given 11 days of Diamond Energy Transmissions.
- BREAK FREE of the 3D mental distortions and overlays on Jesus Christ
- CLOSE THE GAP between the 3-D perspective of Jesus and Multidimensional Heart of Christ Consciousness
- EXPAND your mind beyond 3-D polarities
- STEP INTO the Consciousness of being fully human and Divine
- ANCHOR the vibration of forgiveness in yourself
- ACTIVATE Unconditional Receiving of the Cosmic Energy of Love in your cells
- REVERSE the belief that we must “suffer” to be close to God
- OPEN your heart to Return to Innocence
- UNITE with Beings across the world who are an Unequivocal YES to creating a New, New, New, New, New Diamond Aloha World
There is a note. The days of Silent Transmissions will clear out the distortions without the need for words.
This intensive includes a diamond.
- (11) MP3 recordings (60 minutes each) of Jacqueline Joy’s “LIVE” Diamond Activations and Transmissions
The Diamond Goddess Series.
There are mp3 recordings and remote diamond clearings.
US $930.00
The Diamond Goddess is calling. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it The Diamond Goddess Transmission recordings empower you to use the Diamond Energy to embody and express your Inner Diamond Goddess Power, and to powerfully align with the Energy of the Universal Mother’s Magnetic Core.
The Diamond Goddess Transmissions increase your ability to manifest in the physical world and anchor your physical presence on the planet. Your receptive channels are opened to the flow of unlimited possibilities.
This series is for those who are ready to be fully Present, physically, at this time on the Earth plane, and to unleash the power and beauty of their Diamond Goddess within. It is time to release the collective fear and suppression of your Goddess and be free to express and embody your Diamond Goddess Core in highest Service to your Self and the Planet.
The release of lower-frequency energy that is not in alignment with the power of your Diamond Goddess Core is triggered by all Diamond Discourse Transmissions, Diamond Clearings and Diamond Activations.
Don’t be shy, men. You will enjoy the renewed balance within you, and you will love these transmissions.
See the full description. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Diamond Goddess is a series.
See it. There are special diamond packages that work.
The complete series includes:
- Three Discourse Transmissions
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $333.00 - Three Specialized Remote Diamond Clearings
– Value: $333.00 - Three Diamond Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $264.00
There is a 30-Day Diamond Journey.
The package includes an mp3 audio package.
US $300.00
Pre-Requisite must be a Diamond Connection subscriber.
If you are not a Diamond Connection subscriber.
You may. sign up here There are Subscriber Specials.
May be used to meet the requirement. The installation of a diamond. .
The power of the intensive. The daily transmission and activations are delivered. Diamond alignments. In order to clear the expression of your true Diamond Self and Joy and to raise your vibration, you need to build on one another.
The journey includes:
- 30 MP3 audio recordings (30 minutes or more)
- Powerful Unified Field of Diamond Consciousness created and held by Jacqueline Joy
- Introduction to “The 1000 frequency Golden Energy Transmission”
- Fulfillment of one of the 3 prerequisites required for receiving “The Diamond Installation” Transmission
- Preparation for receiving Jacqueline Joy’s “31-Day Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake Journey”
See the full description. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Your Diamond Jubilee audio package.
See it. There are tests.
There is a 90-Day Diamond Journey.
The package includes mp3 audio.
US $900.00
Pre-Requisite: Premium Diamond Connection.
If you are not a Premium Diamond subscriber, you may be. sign up here .
May be used to meet the requirement. The installation of a diamond. .
There are excerpts and activations.
- play
- mute
There is a 90-Day Journey with Jacqueline Joy.
The 90-Day Intensive with subscribers in the high-frequency Diamond Energy field includes advanced transmissions and trainings in the Diamond Technology to accelerate your embodiment of Diamond Consciousness.
It is possible to clear the limitations of the lower human ego and ignite the embodiment of your Diamond I AM Presence with the help of the Information, Activations and Clearings transmitted by Jacqueline Joy. The multidimensional power of this Sacred Technology in the challenges of everyday life activated your power to create Diamond Wealth of Being into your life at all levels.
This journey has been one of the highlights of my life. The last time I experienced this degree of peace, joy, love and clarity was in 1986 when the Dalai Lama taught hundreds in India. During the 90 Day Diamond Journey, I experienced states of consciousness I have never before experienced, drawing closer to the Heart-Mind of Mother-Father God and closer to Heaven on Earth.
Christina Golden is from Idaho, USA.
The program did exactly what I wanted it to do. It is taking me to higher levels of conscious awareness, purification, and spiritual flowering, while improving my daily life skills on every level beyond my expectations.
Phoeby Sheldan is in London, Ontario, Canada.
More testimonials.
Diamond clearings and activations are advanced.
The high-frequency Diamond Energy field is where these advanced Activations and Clearings come from.
These transmissions allow you to live in the Joy and Empowerment of Diamond Consciousness because they are filled with multidimensional insight and wisdom. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Diamond clearings that are remote. They are included in each bundle.
The Advanced Bundle #1 is a two part series.
The transmission of a dolphin.
There are two things: mp3 recordings and specialized remote diamond clearings.
US $444.00
The fluid, magical energy of the dolphins fill your cells with these Diamond Transmissions, bringing more ease, flow, sensuality and joy into all aspects of your life.
See it. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it How special remote diamond clearing works.
The package includes a transmission.
- Two Diamond Discourses and Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $222.00 - Two Specialized Remote Diamond Clearings
– Value: $222.00
The Advanced Bundle 2 is a three part series.
The Diamond Decontamination Chamber needs to be activated.
There are mp3 recordings and remote diamond clearings.
US $666.00
The density, toxicity and lower frequencies within your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies are clear and transmute by these Diamond Transmissions.
See it. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it How special remote diamond clearing works.
The Diamond Decontamination Chamber can be activated.
- Three Diamond Discourses and Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $333.00 - Three Specialized Remote Diamond Clearings
– Value: $333.00
Advanced bundle 3 is part of the series.
The creation of your heart’s desire can be activated.
There are nine mp3 recordings and nine specialized remote diamond clearings.
US $1998.00
The Joy and Power of your Diamond can be seen in the manifestations of your heart’s desire from the Power and JOY of your I AM Presence, as well as the release of the lower human ego’s beliefs that you can’t have it.
See it. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it How special remote diamond clearing works.
The creation of your heart’s desire is activated.
- Nine Diamond Discourses and Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $999.00 - Nine Specialized Remote Diamond Clearings
– Value: $999.00
The Advanced Bundle is a two part series.
It was anchoring into the core of the Earth.
There are two things: mp3 recordings and specialized remote diamond clearings.
US $444.00
These transmissions bring joy into the body by releasing old patterns, anchoring you into the Mother Earth, and filling your cells with Diamond Energy.
See it. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it How special remote diamond clearing works.
It includes anchoring deep into the core of the Earth.
- Two Diamond Discourses and Activations
MP3 Audio Recordings – Value: $222.00 - Two Specialized Remote Diamond Clearings
– Value: $222.00
The Advanced Bundle is a five-part series.
The lower human ego and presence of I am unite.
There are mp3 recordings and remote diamond clearings.
US $1110.00
The control of the lower human ego in your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies can be released by these powerful Diamond Energy Transmissions.
See it. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it How special remote diamond clearing works.
The Lower human ego and I AM presence unite as one.
Delivery Method
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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
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