Mitch Miller – Freedom Fighter

Mitch Miller – Freedom Fighter

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FREEDOM FIGHTER ARMY INITIATION. 8 Missions. 14 Days… Can You Handle The Initiation? Are You Going To Step The Fuck Up In 2018? I know, it’s a blunt question delivered in an abrasive way. But something has to shake you up because…

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There are 8 missions. Can you handle 14 days of initiation?

Are you going to take the fuck up in 2018? It is a blunt question that is delivered in an abrasive way.

Something has to shake you up.

Statistics say you will fail. The statistics are dangerously accurate.

Over 80% of people fail at their dreams.

Not because you are not capable. Not because you don’t want to succeed. Not for lack of trying.

It is not your fault.

They failed you!

They package it up in fluffy cotton, lie to you and tell you it’s easy and effortless, and you don’t have to put in the work. Send you out into the wilderness completely unprepared for battle.

It is a battle.

What kind of bullshit is that?

You come to them, you trust them, you invest your time and money with them, and you believe their promises.

Are they going to send you to the battlefield?

It is the hardest thing you will ever do unless you are fully equipped, prepared, and armed to the teeth with the tools and support needed to win.

It is the most exciting and rewarding thing you will ever do in your life when you go in like that.

You can win! Everyone on our team has.

If you choose it to be, this bullshit is over.

If you are one of the few who choose to fight for the life you want, then you will need to load up on bullets.

There is no going back once I load you up.

If you find that upsetting, then you have read too much. It is not for you.

Only this message is worth your time compared to the rest of the stuff you read today.

You don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell at winning because in a world full of one hit wonders and fly by night experts that are more concerned with getting your money than getting you prepared for success and getting you results, you don’t have a chance

They failed you in a bad way.

They are too afraid to lose a sale.

The statistics are correct.


We don’t like the statistics. We know how to make new statistics.

Our primary purpose is to get something for you, not to get something from you.

Our team has been in the business of helping people achieve success in every area of life from money, health, relationships, business, confidence, and personal power for a combined 40 plus years with impressive results and we know what it takes.

It breaks all the rules of marketing and sales, but we are not the type of people who follow old, stupid, antiquated rules to make sure you fail.

That’s right, you read that. You will fail because the system is rigged. Why do you think the elite win so much? They won because of the failure of others. Your failure!

It isn’t a sexy truth and most people don’t have the balls to talk about it.

We are not most people.

We are here to break the victim cycle of failure. We are here to help you win.

You are already ahead of the statistics because you have taken action. 1 This is where shit gets real. There are some hard truths ahead.

You aren’t living life to the fullest because you’re too confident you’ll be alive tomorrow.

Between now and 80 years from now, there won’t be a tomorrow for you.

The cruel joke is that you won’t know it’s your last day.

Imagine if you could know…

Imagine if you could see one day into the future and know when your tomorrow ends.

Why would there be a difference between your average day and your last one?

Is it possible that you would treat family and friends differently?

Would you pay more attention?

Would you say you love them and mean it?

Is there a scratch on your belt buckle or on your forehead?

It is the last time you will ever see the simple and beautiful things in life, would you stop to appreciate them?

If you slowed down enough, you could see the full beauty of nature.

Although you can not see the future, you can still get the same rewards as if you did.

If you wake up every day, walk to the bathroom mirror, and vow to give the day the respect it deserves, it’s all you have to do.

It is possible that thoughts of death can make you feel alive.

These thoughts will bring you success.

Money, houses, and praise are not the only things that can lead to true peace, happiness, and success.

There are certain ways in which happy, healthy motherfuckers think.

Staying positive, happy, and grounded is possible by thinking about death.

If you keep in mind that it might be the last time you see them, you will be nicer to them.

Everyone who has ever lost someone close to them didn’t know their last visit was the last one and the guilt of being too confident can be too much to bear.

I am talking about presence. Being in this moment.

The real time is when you set your watch to now.

I used to live most of my life in the future, which is less pathetic than living in the past.

I don’t want to be normal if I say things that seem backwards from the normal way of thinking.

People are trapped in their own personal hell.

If you want more from life than what you see around you, then you need to pay attention to people who have broken through.

I broke free after being trapped.

I got my freedom. I have the right to teach business and life.

I almost killed myself to get there.

I have had a heart attack, homeless, nervous breakdowns, and fucked people over. I ate broken glass for 14 years to find out who I am.

I used to lie. I used to steal. I used to abuse people. A lot of friends were ruined.

I wouldn’t change the past for anything because the consequences of those experiences have taken me in the other direction, far further than if I hadn’t been such a piece of shit.

We have all gone through this and I am sure you can relate to some of it. Most people use all that as excuses to be sad and stay in the past.

It’s better to be unstoppable instead of using it as fuel.

I’m a rock that won’t budge and nobody can stop me.

When you unleash your power, you will be unstoppable because you will be free from the opinions of others, which is the main fear in business.

Haters and doubters will not scare you, shake you up, or freeze you up.

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Warriors think differently than the average person.

Is the average person happy, rich, abundant, healthy, and kicking ass?


A small group of people are crushing life because they think differently than the rest. 6 We are hardwired to fit into a tribe and it can be difficult to break through. If you don’t belong, you don’t have to stay.

The ones who don’t belong with us!

The army is called the Freedom Fighter Army.

This is your exclusive invitation to The Freedom Fighter Army.

This alliance isn’t for everyone.

You can’t buy your way in. 1 Only people who pass the initiation are accepted into the alliance.

Real success can’t be created by solo armies.

Success is created by a community of experts and peers.

The army is only as strong as its weakest link.

We are going to give you a chance. If you can create enough courage, if you can believe in yourself for 20 seconds, if you can envision yourself fighting for your dreams, and if you are willing to bet on yourself, we will give you 14 days to see if you can do it.

You will get in this community.

A million dollar treasure trove of proven money-making blueprints, priceless next-level connections, and dirt- cheap business opportunities are included in an all-access pass into the most elite learning, networking, and deal-making community on earth.

You will find more in The Freedom Fighter Army. The majority of people seeking freedom just brush by without a thought, and we are going to give them the most misunderstood, under utilized, and overlooked tools.

Every high achiever in the world uses the same tools and resources to become the type of person who never has to chase success in their life because success chases them!

Who is fighting for your freedom? 1

The freedom comes from having more money than you need every month. Imagine not having to think about money again. Imagine not sacrificing what you want for what you can afford. Imagine if you could pick up the tab for dinner for 20 people, and not even look at the total. Financial freedom is not out of reach within this group. Not being bound to a time clock gives you freedom. Imagine being able to go to the lake with friends without having to miss another event. Wouldn’t it be great if you could extend your vacation another month? Not being tied to a specific location gives you freedom. Would you like to go to Europe for a week? Go! Would you like to go to Asia for a month? Go! Do you want to meet some friends in Vegas? Have fun! What about the freedom from social status? Imagine not being influenced by social status again. Imagine being completely comfortable in your own skin, walking into any room, with any people, in any part of the world. Imagine not having second thoughts about making something that lights your heart up. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Is it possible to say yes or no to someone? Imagine people asking to work with you. Say no to a proposal because you don’t like the way that person is with you, knowing that it won’t hurt your life. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it The freedom to live your life as you please! Imagine the freedom to do what you want, when you want, who you want, wherever you want. That is true lifestyle freedom.

1 Who is fighting for your rights?

Only you are right now. You are a solo maverick. An army of one is fighting against an endless foe.

An army of people fighting for you is what you need. Fight for your financial freedom, time freedom, location freedom, social freedom, relationship freedom, and lifestyle freedom.

Every single person who has achieved measurable success has had something. A network of like minded people who support each other.

The Freedom Fighter Army is here!

This is not for everyone.

You have a choice.

You can live as you please. You can join another tribe. You can make your own.

You can accept the invitation to join The Freedom Fighter Army.

You are not broken. You are different. Don’t let them tell you otherwise, you are just as important as anyone else.

Fight if you find yourself being belittled, bullied, abused, or snickered at.

Fight them.

It’s part of who you are.

You can punch a motherfucker in the face. Stand up for yourself. Ignore, hit the road and never look back if they don’t fall into line.

You don’t have to accept what life gives you, you already have everything you need inside you.

Let it go.

Get angry, don’t get sad.

Get angry at them. Get angry at yourself.

You can channel that rage into action.

Take a stand. Take a stand for yourself!

Light that fire up and scream at the top of your lungs, because it is my turn and I will do whatever it takes to make this happen.

Make your goals worth dying for and be willing to march after your truth no matter what.

The fear can be overcome. For breakfast, eat that shit.

Become a fighter.

If you aren’t willing to fight, you’re already dead, like a warrior going to battle.

This is your marching order.

Stand up and fight.

You have 14 days to complete 8 challenges to be accepted.

These challenges are designed to give you the tools and lay the groundwork for your success.

There were 8 challenges and 14 days. You don’t pay anything during your initiation period.

We will not accept you into the Army if you don’t complete your missions. Your card will not be billed in that case.

If you complete all 8 missions in 14 days, you will be invited to stay in the army for only $47 per month.

How bad do you want it to be? Are you willing to fight? Are you prepared for change?

We have your back.

Can you hack it?

5 You can accept your challenge by clicking here. As a freedom fighter, what do you get? A-Z financial, location and time freedom business training system is complete. There are dozens ofwipe and deploy tools. You can use the resources that come with each lesson in the Freedom Fighter Army learning center.

Anything my partners or I do in our businesses becomes yours. This includes us.

There are marketing pieces. There are lists. There are spreadsheets. Formulas. There are big ideas. Negotiating script. There are tools. There are internal training videos.

We find innovative resources in our own businesses.

It is all yours.

You will also get instant access when you join today for free.

The secret community of the freedom fighter. Even though we have an elite team, we still don’t have all the answers.

The best advice can often come from the hundreds of Freedom Fighter Army members in our community.

Chances are you have a few members in your backyard.

To plug you into this collective brain trust immediately, we built our online networking platform.

Our secret, members-only community gives you the ability to meet hundreds of people who are just like you.

Some of them are already making money online and others are on their way to ultimate freedom.

We are all the same. Financial freedom and freedom from social conditioning are not the same.

Over the years, we have put freedom on ourselves.

The opinions of your family, boss, government and firends are all forms of freedom.

You have ultimate freedom and control over your life.

100% legal and 100% ethical.

We understand what you are trying to accomplish, and we are here to help.

Thank you for coming home.

Do you have a question about starting, growing, or selling your business? Social conditioning? Are you stuck and don’t know where to go? How to start? What are we going to do next? Also…

Get an instant answer from the community. The Freedom fighter Army is global. Someone is with you no matter what time of day or night it is.

You will have instant access to the secret community when you register. 2 Begin the process now. Don’t take my word for it. You can see what the other members of the Freedom Fighter Army are doing. Are you feeling right now without you? The response to the initial charter enroll offer was overwhelming, to say the least.

And understandably so…

For the first time ever, anyone could have access to bulletproof business and freedom advice, step-by-step, along with the support they need, without shelling out $1,000 or more for a dusty home study course.

You can instantly collaborate with and ask questions to other success-minded people just like you.

165 people from all walks of life took advantage of the charter offer and joined us in our mission.

If you can pass the initiation challenges, you can get all of it for $47 a month.

The $10,000 worth of Freedom Fighter Army membership benefits is a drop in the hat.

Here is what some of your fellow Freedom Fighters had to say.

There are hundreds of experiences and life changing events happening inside the Freedom Fighter Army Secret Community and the feedback speaks for itself. . I can’t wait to see your success story in the future, it’s been amazing to see our community generate real momentum, have such massive success, and I can’t wait to see your success story inside very soon.

Are you done sitting? The Freedom Fighter Army has hundreds of members.

Become your own success story.

It is on me to join us today.

Only a few people are still reading this page because they have already claimed their free membership. 1 INITIATION PERIOD NOW. You can get everything on this page for free during your 14 day initiation period. That is correct.

Today’s investment is nothing. I may be crazy, but I am not stupid. It may come as a surprise, but I have an ulterior motive for making this offer.

I am not getting rich giving away my best stuff for free.

My hope is that you will love what you see and stay. It’s great if you do.

That is ok if not.

You will never be charged if you cancel before the 14 days are up.

When you love it, you will be automatically renewed at our charter member rate of $47 a month.

A small sum…

When you implement just one of the strategies from our training and support, you will make less.

You can save a lot of money by getting a direct, specific answer to that big question.

I will make you a deal.

I will insist that you look for help somewhere else if you can’t make enough to cover your investment in FFA for at least the next 30 days.

Again, that is how confident I am.

You can get started on your first Freedom Fighter Initiation Mission by clicking the button below. 1 Become a member of the Freedom Fighter Army.

You can get the free download ofMitch Miller – Freedom Fighter at


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