John Alanis – Ultimate Attraction System
John Alanis – Ultimate Attraction System
John Alanis – Ultimate Attraction System
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John Alanis – Ultimate Attraction System
If you had total power and control over all your relationships with women, what would your life be like?
A Completely Different Approach to Dating, Women, and Relationships that allows me to create any type of relationship I choose with any woman, anywhere, literally on demand.
I am convinced that any man can easily copy what I am doing once he understands it. If it was true, why would a sane man reveal this kind of secret? To find out, read my message. Dear friend.
What could happen? It’s better to have beautiful, desirable women approach you first. Is it possible that you would be begging for a date on the spot, no matter your looks, age or income?
There is something better. What if you could do it on demand? You can either create or maintain a relationship with any woman. Whether it’s a steamy night of passion, an adventure partner type relationship, or even a long term committed for life relationship with that. One special woman. Who makes your life better. Who gives you her eternal love, devotion and loyalty?
What would your life be like if you weren’t alive? Will you create, design, and control your own outcomes with women? Do you not believe you can do it? Skeptical? I do not blame you. Keep reading and I will show you the truth, even if it is a shadow of a doubt.
Have you ever said to yourself that you are a great guy? I feel awkward and nervous at times, but I know I have a lot to offer a woman. I can make her feel good. I can’t seem to find a person who likes me and is attracted to me. I could make her happy if she understood the real me.
When you know how to make a woman feel “it,” she’s yours forever |
It doesn’t work that way. Women are not attracted to the men they should be. Whether that man is good for her or not, they are attracted to men who make them feel a powerful sense of attraction. You won’t attract women if you can’t make her feel that. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Simple as that.
If he doesn’t know how to make a woman feel the way she wants to feel, he will lead a life of Emptiness and Desperation.
If you are like me, you are not close to that type of guy. John Alanis is my name. I am known as in some circles. The King will come to you. Many of you know who I am. Others may not. Despite my handicaps, I continue to drive a beat up red 1992 Buick Regal. The rich and powerful can only dream of the types of relationships with women. I can teach you how to succeed with women no matter your age, race, income, or other factor.
Why? None of that matters. When you know how to make a woman feel what she really wants to feel, what she has dreamed about since she was a little girl. t The world of women is at your feet.
They are going to meet you. They will fight to meet you. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it They will come from far and wide to spend a little time with you so they can experience it. Other women will be jealous of the time you spent with them. Desperate to feel it as well.
What is it? It’s the feeling that beautiful, desirable women spend their lives looking for in a man, yet rarely experience.
One woman described it this way. She said she could feel John in her teeth, in her breath, and in her bones. You make my soul glow in a way that no man has before. I will never forget the impact you had on my life. I will be in your debt for the rest of my life because you showed me what it was like to live, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay You have my gratitude. We had only spent three days together. Three days!
How many women do you think would be attracted to you if you made a woman feel like that? The answer is simple. All of the things! Every single one.
Why? All women want to feel that way. They will give up everything they have to be with that man, just to experience that feeling, when they think a man can make them feel a tiny piece of that powerful emotion.
Maybe you know a woman like that. Someone who was beautiful, intelligent, and desirable. She almost threw her life away chasing someone she knew was a complete loser, a total jerk, and a traitor. Why would she do that? Theloser stumbled upon a way to make her feel a little bit of it.
The ability to make her feel good is very powerful. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it I will show you step by step how you can make a woman feel good.
Control and choice over your outcomes with women for life!
Are you ready to step up to the big league and use your power to work for you?
The power to create incredible attractions, the power to create it for a woman must be used very, very carefully. You will hurt a wonderful woman for no reason for a long, long time. It’s very easy to create attraction. It is difficult to control.
I will only teach those who are qualified to use this power for good. For the creation of feelings. Misuse of attraction can cause destruction.
It happens all the time, with men with dark, twisted souls and evil intentions towards women stumbling across a tiny piece of the power to create it. They leave a trail of destruction in their wake, a path filled with broken women who only wanted to feel something, but ended up being victims of jerks who just wanted to get even with them. If you are a guy like that, stop reading the letter and go see a therapist. This is not for you.
However, if. You want to make a woman feel amazing, better than any man has ever done. Even if it is for a night of passion, or a long term relationship, you can still learn how to make her feel it.
Guess what when you are able to make a woman feel good? You can experience it as well. I can not describe it in a letter. It is not possible. Imagine if you could imagine the best feeling you ever had with a woman, the light of new attraction, the smoldering fires of passion, and the butterflies in your stomach. Maybe.
But why don’t you imagine it? Is it possible to experience it with a wonderful woman? Being able to make a woman feel like it is a great thing. If you want, you can also spend more time with more than one. It is your choice. That is what is important here.
You have the right to choose your own outcomes.
So many guys are sex starved or relationship starved that they will settle for any woman that comes around. I think it was Henry David Thoreau who said, most men leads lives of quiet desperation.
That is true to this day. I will take it a step further. Men lead quiet lives with women. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it I know. I have been there.
Let me tell you my story. I want you to understand the power of my system and how you can put it to work for you if you get to know me and where I came from.
There was not enough time in the day to spend with all of the women that I Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr Swirlr
Do you know what desperation feels like? I was that way for a long time. I remember in high school. lusting after the prettiest women. The best year of a jock’s life would always be their senior year in high school.
If I were nice, kind, and sensitive women would want me for who I am. My female friends always told me to be myself. If that worked, how come they were always just friends? When the resident high school jerk called, they immediately ran off with him, knowing they were going to be dumped as soon as someone prettier came around.
I didn’t understand it. Why would a woman want a sensitive guy to be run like cattle to the slaughter? They knew they were going to kick their teeth in.
I think I had a few dates in high school. I can’t believe I allowed myself to be seen with her in public. I was leading a life of desperation with women. I wanted to have a pretty girlfriend and treat her well, so I was willing to try anything. I went out with a beast to prove I was a nice guy. That did not help. It didn’t help me that I was known as the guy who dated the beast.
I did not attend my senior prom. The woman I asked turned me down. I remember it like it was yesterday. The 3rd period was Calculus. She said Thanks, but I already have a date. We should be friends. I don’t think of you that way. You want to know the worst thing. What is the most humiliating thing? I knew that. She was lying. I knew she would have a date. A socially acceptable one. She was a friend of mine. She turned me down because she knew I was a good guy. humiliation and embarrassment in public.
A friend and I went to see I’m Gonna Get You Sucka with Wayans on prom night. It should have been one of the best nights of my life when the two loser went to the movie.
The movie was funny.
I went to college. I thought I would have better luck if I got in shape. I got big and strong after lifting weights. I thought the uniform would attract women because I went to school on a scholarship. But it did not. I thought that a lot of guys in my unit did well with women, but they were all jerks. I got to know a few of these guys and found out they were good guys. They mistreated the women they were with. or so I thought.
I want to call time out for a second and then I will continue with my story. Don’t think of being or acting like a jerk as the key to attracting women. It isn’t. Because they are jerks, jerks end up creating a lot of emotional turmoil with the women in their life. I am not interested in experiencing that.
When a man turns on a female biological cue, it creates a powerful sense of attraction. One of the keys to attraction is flipping thesetriggers.
It’s back to my story. My friends in the Navy were good at attracting women. There were a lot of women problems. They fought, quarreled and spent a lot of time dealing with women who were angry with them. They would dump her and move onto the next one. As a result. They had a lot of women who were attracted to them, but later hated them.
I took note of it. Being able to attract women was something I liked. The idea of constantly fighting was what all these jerks did. They were not happy most of the time. I wanted to spend time with women who made me happy.
I tried out some of the strategies. I met a woman at the end of my sophomore year, and we went out for a while. There were two things that I liked about this. First off. She was hot. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it She had long hair and white skin. A smart girl. She thought I was a complete nerd and loser when we went to junior high together. I was going out with her.
For a little while, how sweet it was.
I started doing nice guy things. I did not want to create emotional turmoil. After I attracted her by acting like a jerk, I thought I could have the best of both worlds. There is an attraction with no emotional turmoil. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it I thought I could maintain the relationship by being nice. Maybe you have done the same thing.
I began writing her letters, telling her how much I liked her, being sensitive and understanding. I feel stupid reading this now.
You can guess the rest of the story. She dumped me for a guy who couldn’t lift a weight. I could lift 275 lbs on the bench press. She chose me over him even though he was weak and rude. I had no idea how to maintain the attraction. She was taken out from under my nose by thisdoofy wimp. Man, talk about something.
A blow to the male ego.
Again, I took note of this. I was aware of my surroundings back then. Women were attracted to me if I did a certain thing. They went away if I did nice guy things. I was getting better at reading distraction signals. There are subtle signals women give off that let you know she is attracted to you.
I was not able to piece it all together. I didn’t want to meet a lot of women and have a lot of turmoil like my jerk friends. I didn’t want to have the same turmoil as my nice guy friends. I wanted to have fun and meet great women.
I asked several of my friends who were in committed relationships how they set it up so that she is attracted to them, yet they don’t have any emotional turmoil or fighting in their life.
How do you keep it going after it starts?
When I said that, they all laughed. They told me that they spent a lot of time fighting and that being in a relationship wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. They told you to work at a relationship. They said you had to compromise to be successful. They told me how they wished they had stayed single. Many of these guys ended up with divorces. Many more cheated on their wives.
They all had turmoil in their lives. None of the women in their lives were happy with them. It was sad. What began as a good feeling quickly turned into a bad one, leaving behind hate, loathing and destruction. I don’t understand how someone you love so much can hate you so much now. How could you dislike them so much? Isn’t a long term relationship with a special woman supposed to provide joy and happiness? It did not in all my friends cases.
I also took note of this. There is a careful note. I didn’t get into a long term relationship in college. I didn’t have time for a relationship in the Navy. I was going to become a submarineman. I was selected to become a submarine officer in the Nuclear Power Program. My concerns about women were put on the back burner.
It wasn’t to be. They found a medical problem a few months before I was supposed to report for active duty. I went out the door. I got a free education because I had to keep all the money, but that was useless to me. I wanted to be the best naval officer. Maybe some of you guys can relate to the desire to be better than best.
I don’t cry over the past. I worked in the Alaskan oil fields as a field engineer before moving to Texas, Michigan and Oklahoma. Tough guy stuff.
I hated every second of it.
I met a woman named Renee when I worked in Michigan. Actually. She was the first to approach me. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it A beautiful woman walked up to me while I was playing roulette at a casino in Michigan. She pester me more because I ignored her and focused on my game. She was given an assignment to look at all the blackjack tables. I was hoping she would leave. I was into the game. She came back and asked more questions. After cashing in my chips, I sat down and began talking with her.
It was the beginning of a long-distance relationship.
She fell in love with me. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it It was hard. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Even though she should not have. I was not a nice guy to her. I was decent, but not nice. I had learned my lesson. I liked her, but I didn’t like her. I told her that. What did you think made her do that? You have it. I want more.
I took notice. There is a careful note. She was in rapture when she was with me. She was glowing. And. The rich and powerful would kill to be with her. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it I knew from experience that a long term relationship between the two of us would lead to rancor, enmity and hate. I recognized that we weren’t well matched in certain areas. I made the conditions for her to dump me. She did. I was happy. It was not as bad as it could have been. It did not destroy her life like it could have.
I also took note of this. I was figuring things out. Some things are not everything. Things that I could use. But teach other men.
Life changed after that. I started my own business after quitting the oilfield. There is a beautiful Chinese woman with the first name Sin. She loved to sin. She moved out of town after we had a fun passionate relationship. We had a great time, shared a wonderful connection and then it came to an end, but she had been up front about it from the beginning. We were both happy that we had been in each other’s lives. We only enjoyed each other’s company while we were together.
This was the way it should be.
I also took note of this. I was close to being able to. Control my relationships with women. I would only experience fun and joy with no feelings of hurt or pain.
I thought I was close to being able to design and control the relationships I wanted with women. I met Christina.
She was an amazing woman. . Someday, if you get to know me personally, I will tell you the whole story. I had only dreamed about feeling, but she made me feel it. She made me feel good. I made her feel that way as well. She did the best thing any woman has ever done for me. I never knew a person could feel pain like she did. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it They say deep cuts the knife and it cut me to the core. I couldn’t get out of bed for two days. It was like a demon trying to get out of the pain. And strangely enough…
It was the greatest gift a woman could have given me.
Why? How could pain lead to anything positive? The answer is simple: hurting gave me the final piece of the puzzle. I have complete control over my relationships with women. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it It all came together when I was in bed, with my mind completely focused, for the first time in years. For the first time, I was able to see how all of my experiences fit together because of this terrible pain. It all made sense. Finally.
Do you know what a Phoenix is? A new firebird arises from the ashes after a firebird dies. That is what happened to Christina. I didn’t get violent, unlike most guys. When her relationships didn’t end on their terms, I didn’t call her horrible names like bitch or whore.
I did something completely different. I put together all the pieces of the system that I saw while I was laying in bed and used it for the first time. And guess what? Something wonderful happened. I was floored when it did. Our relationship rose from the ashes. It was created in fire and ended up in ashes.
She introduced me to a friend of hers, and then she came back to me in a completely different way. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it She and I have nothing but genuine warmth and appreciation for each other. There would have been acrimony before my system. How could this happen?
How could a woman who had hurt me come back to me, even better than before?
I bet you would like to know. Imagine meeting a woman. If and when your relationship ends, instead of it ending in acrimony. She introduces you to another woman. She comes back to you if you want her to. Even if you don’t want her back, she’s still in your life with warmth, happiness and appreciation, recognizing you as the best ever. What would that be like?
Do you want to know how to do that? I can show you how to create and design relationships. You are. Choose with women. There are five little known secrets that allow you to create any outcome you want with any woman, anywhere. Right now, we are going to talk about those. Is it sound good? Alright, here we go…
Exploding the myth that relationships do not happen is a secret.
I hear it all the time. Both men and women say, This is so wonderful, I can’t believe it’s happening to me. They say when they are not seeing anyone. I would like it to happen for me. They say, I can’t believe this happened to me when they break up.
Attraction does not “just happen”… you can actually create it |
A bunch of baloney. When someone says it is happening, what they are really doing is leaving their outcomes up to chance. They are perfectly willing to let someone else control their own outcomes.
What if, instead of waiting and praying, you were able to do something? Is it possible to snap your fingers and make it happen? What would that be like?
The truth of the matter is that you can. A simple formula can be used to create attraction, relationships, and passion. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it The truth is that relationships are governed by a biological code that all men and women share. Modern society tried to replace the code with dating, romance, and courting. Knowing and understanding that there is a code allows us to create relationships at will, even though it still governs all our actions. It is part of the survival of the species.
You can see nature shows on TV. All animals have a code that creates relationships between the male and female. Humans are not different except in one aspect. We have created a society that suppresses that code in men.
Because it is extremely powerful, it doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful. Knowing and understanding thatbiological attraction code can give you the power to create any type of relationship you want with any woman, anywhere.
I took note of what worked and what didn’t in my relationships with women when I was living out my formative years I knew what I wanted and what I didn’t. I stayed away from the things that didn’t work for me as I had more and more relationships. I finally arrived at a set of activities that allow me. To enjoy great joy and passion with wonderful women, while avoiding the pain and heartache that modern society dictates we feel when a relationship is over.
All women respond to an age old biological attraction code… put this code to work for you, and they cannot resist you, no matter if you’re old, ugly, fat or broke |
When a relationship ends, nature doesn’t intend for it to lead to survival of the species. The species is supposed to be joyful, not fraught with pain, hurt and humiliation. The society we grow up in imposes those on us. It was much to the pleasure of evil divorce lawyers.
Even though there is a code, there is still magic. If you know and understand this simple code, you can create relationships with women that would not have happened if you had not. You can experience pleasure and avoid pain by understanding the code. Simple as that.
You get to make the Rejection Decision if you designtraction systems that cater to the type of women you want to approach first.
Understanding the code isn’t enough, you have to put it to use in modern society It is not hard to do, but you have to do it correctly.
In nature, most male animals have all the color and attractiveness to attract the female of the species. The female peacock is drab and plain, while the male is full of color. She comes running after he wags his tail. Sometimes she will run away to test him, but if he shows strength. She will run back.
The female approached the male in a different way.
Think about men and women. Who gets all dressed up? The woman. Who gets chased? The woman. Who makes the mating decision? The woman. This isn’t natural. The male herds over a group of females in all other species.
The roles of men and women have changed. Women are supposed to approach men first in nature, but society has bred it out of them. We are all conditioned from birth to ask women out, to court them, to supplicate to them. But think about this. Does the average person ever go on a date?
Women come first and then he does what he wants. He creates great emotional turmoil because he is a jerk. They wouldn’t be called jerks if they did. They would be called rare, magnificent men and great lovers of women. Being a jerk is not the way to create your own outcomes with women. The jerk has a few characteristics that women respond to. Not the jerk.
What is this useful to you? As a man, you have to deal with the fact that we live in a modern society. If you understand that women respond to a biological code and are supposed to approach you first, you can designtraction systems.
If you and the woman you lust after are in a situation where her biological code is activated, you can use an attraction system to point the resulting attraction at you.
Guys are doing something. This is very easy if you know what to look for. How to engineer attraction situations. You just need to know how to take advantage of them. They work no matter who you are.
All you have to do is be male. It should be turned to your advantage.
Women are supposed to approach YOU first, not the other way around! |
Once yo
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