Online Dating Domination 2.0

Online Dating Domination 2.0

Online Dating Domination 2.0

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Scot McKay was from the desk. Monday, July 20, 2015.

Subject: You can Dominate the online dating site of your choice.

If you have ever tried online dating, you should stop and ask yourself these six questions.

Have you ever written a woman’s profile that intrigued you to the point of hearing nothing but crickets and pins? When you find a woman who you want to meet, but never get the chance to, does it drive you crazy?

Are you suddenly overwhelmed with a case of writer’s block when you sit down to write your profile?

Is it possible that one simple mistake somewhere is ruining your chances with women online?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had an idea of how to stand out from the crowd?

It makes you crazy to know that online dating has to be done for other people, just not for you.

You are not alone if you answered yes to any of the above. Over 50% of men who try online dating never get a response from any of the e-mails they send to women, according to a study.

Here is the thing. You can start succeeding with women online if you flip the odds on them. It is a lot easier than you think.

How can I be sure? I am living proof.

I was in bed one night. A crazy thought about my online dating experience hit me as I was about to sleep. I snapped back to being awake.

It went like this. I included most women in my metro area in my initial search and carefully weeded out the results until I found my top ten favorites.

I had written to all of them and heard back from eight of them. That felt pretty good, to say the least.

I realized a simple truth about online dating that had never occurred to me before.

It was obvious who the absolute sharpest women online are to all the guys out there searching, right?

Hundreds if not thousands of other guys on here in San Antonio, Texas had their eye on those women if I had chosen them.

With all those guys going after the same women, I was able to connect with 80% of them.

That is very heavy duty.

I remember thinking, This is crazy! Some of these women should be left for everyone else.

I put the kibosh on it. If they can, let the other stiffs go out and earn their own success.

I deserved to be able to enjoy online dating success. It was up to me to decide. If I decided that any of those women should be left to the other guys, so be it. In the mean time, I was going to hang out with all the hotties I wanted to.

That was how it was. All of me, at 39 years old. I am not particularly photogenic, either.

There is no doubt about it. My statistics weren’t lighting up women’s search results on paper.

If I could do this, then you can do it as well.

Alright, then. I know what you are asking. Why would I share my secrets with you?

I didn’t share what worked for me with anyone, even my friends here in town, as my online dating days were in full swing. Why don’t you give the fortune?

I met the greatest woman I have ever known over breakfast at an IHOP on February 11th, 2006 and it changed everything.

I knew immediately that this one was who I really wanted to build an incredible life with, despite all of the women I had met in a frenzy of online dating.

I was ready to build a legacy with one great woman after spending so much time with so many of them. Someone will take a vacation with them and look at the pictures later. Someone is going to build a family. Someone is going to share life with you.

I had the chance to meet her because I saw her profile on

I put my online dating experience in the rear-view mirror. I had found a wife.

It didn’t take me long to realize that I owed it to my friends and other high quality men to share my secrets from that day forward. That is a major reason why the new Online Dating Domination 2.0 is so effective.

Find out why dominating your metro area on any online dating site is so easy, and how to know when you have reached Critical Mass. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it When thinking of a tagline for your profile, know this devastatingly simple secret and never again draw a blank.

Stand out as a real man rather than just another little boy online, with one simple, objective tweak.

The confident man has a secret to writing e-mails to women that drive them wild with anticipation.

You may be sending bad signals to women in your profile without even realizing it.

One of the most common ways women lie is in their profiles. As you evaluate women online, you need to understand this simple principle.

When you know that a woman is looking for someone who is more flexible than she is, screening is easier. If you don’t have this skill, you could disqualify yourself time and time again.

Spot fake profiles with near 100% certainty and save yourself from a world of trouble.

Discover how this practically universal principle operates and your percentage of quality first dates will increase immediately.

The secret weapon that is used in the business world is almost never thought of as an online dating strategy.

Before you write your profile, get into this certain mindset and set up the framework for massive success regardless of the actual words you write down. You can separate yourself from the herd by following this simple principle.

The Dreamscape Effect is a major contributing factor to men becoming completely jaded against online dating before they even give themselves a chance for success. Don’t let it affect you and win.

Find out what the most common mistake is in the online dating world. Some dating sites recommend the practice in their profile tips section. It is singularly responsible for the majority of lifeless, generic profiles you have encountered recently.

If your profile and e-mail writing style are winners or not, REMOTE INPUT is for you. Most men are not brave enough to attempt this.

Simple online dating dynamics play mind games with guys who don’t know the ropes. If you have the knowledge, you can avoid this pitfall.

Until now, a hidden world of mind-blowing online dating success has only been open to those with wildly successful dating lives. Do you have the guts to join them?

There is more to it than that. After my divorce in 2003 it became my passion to help other guys achieve similar happiness with great women, thanks to online dating.

I have become one of the most well-known and effective dating coaches on the planet.

I teach what works. It is more than just what sounds good to new ears.

I have been immersed in online dating strategy full-time for over six years now. I have to say, having coached up hundreds of guys to enjoy the same kind of success I experienced (if not much greater, to be honest), what I have discovered since meeting my dream woman online makes everything I teach infinitely more powerful now than ever.

As I coach men all over the world, I get the joy of seeing that in action.

TV stars and movie actresses have been dated by some. Cheerleaders from pro sports teams have gone out with three of them. The man wrote that he was dating a gymnast from Eastern Europe. It’s not bad, huh?

There is a steady stream of cute nurses and sweethearts who teach Kindergarten. That is also cool.

That is the thing. Online Dating Domination 2.0 is all about meeting and attracting who you want, not who you can trick into writing you back. The whole idea of online dating is thrown out the window by this.

Absolutely spot-on and priceless. Thanks to Scot. Your information is spot-on and priceless. It helped me find the woman I wanted to be, but it also made me more of the man I wanted to be. You rock!

Rob is from Blackburn, England.

Let other guys deal with that.

Guys will never get to know if that smiling face behind a woman’s profile is so beautiful in real life. She will be going out with you instead.

It is you who will feel the greatest joy when you have succeeded in online dating.

While other guys are still trying to get women to answer their e-mails, you will have defined online dating success differently. You will enjoy the lifestyle of effectively moving women from e-mail to phone to actual first meetings with skill and ease.

This isn’t dating online…it’s online dating. The point is to really, truly meet and attract women. Right?

Even if you don’t have the most searchable statistics, this can still be like shooting fish in a barrel.

I am proof of that.

If you know just 5 or 10 percent of what I am going to share with you, you will be way ahead of the other guys.

I hand-selected a dream team of the most respected online dating minds on Earth, and brought them together in one program for the first time ever. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Don’t rely on simple success with just any woman who shows interest. The most desirable women can be found online.

All the subtle strategies that can make or break you online are covered step-by-step in fully transcribed audio and video.

Don’t settle for the mediocre of a numbers game if you want to get the ultimate woman online. Find out how to meet the best woman you have ever met online.

The first choice you have to make in the online dating world is a great one.

You can find success everywhere you go online by logging on to social networking sites, paid sites, free sites, niche sites and even It is possible to take that level of confidence and competence to an offline speed dating event.

If you want to get in front of the women you want most, you have to have a profile that gets results. Using my own top-performing profile as an example, I show you everything you need to know on video.

Screen women know how to identify the profile of a truly great woman, and leave the rest in the rear-view mirror.

Send messages into a black hole if you want to get results. Get her attention and meet her in person.

Gain visibility into positive proof that online dating can be as powerful as it has been in my life.

Become the most successful man in your city on a dating site and dominate your metro area.

The first thing a high-quality woman does when she encounters a guy online is to see if he gets it.

If you use this simple fact, you will own your metro area on the online dating site of your choice.

You will get ignored from the start if you don’t. Even guys who are great with women offline get nowhere with online dating.

I wish I could pour that information into every man’s cranium. I can only say that Online Dating Domination 2.0 is the next best thing.

Who will be able to meet you online? Three guys have met and dated cheerleaders from professional sports teams, another has met a former contestant from The Bachelor, and yet another has dated a weather girl.

Some of the most desirable women online have been met by many others. Most of the time, such women aren’t world-famous. They are types like kindergarten teachers, nurses and Ivy League graduate students who are as sweet, feminine and loyal as they are sexy.

I have personally met over 100 terrific women online, including my wife Emily. Who will you be able to meet online? The sky has a limit.

You will get exactly what you want.

The fastest track list. The fastest track list. You can get your ticket to rapid success in just two hours.

This is the crown jewel of brand new updates in Version 2.0, containing over 130 instant improvements you can make right now to increase your online dating results.

Bullet points are easy to implement and universally applicable to everyone.

If you make any of the crucial errors identified in the document, you could be cutting out half of your potential dating pool.

Represented here are years of first-hand experience having coached thousands of men and women to online dating success…yet you will be able to implement every bit of it. Two hours.

Today, you are guaranteed to improve your online dating fortunes in a number of ways.

You get a real-world boost before you get into the rest of Online Dating Domination.

50 E-Mails. Write messages that are read and responded to.

Imagine being able to compose intriguing e-mails to women that stop them in their tracks, and then forcing them to drop everything and write you back. How much of a change would that bring?

Think about how amazing it would be to have a custom-made message in your own voice, without resorting to copying someone else’s example.

I have cracked the code on how to give you an objective, replicable way to consistently write a unique and creative first e-mail to any woman. Most men will never figure out the principles of powerful first e-mails.

Then, I will give you a full fifty practical examples I have personally written to some of the very sharpest women online, complete with a full breakdown of every one of them.

While other guys continue to bang their heads against their keyboards, you will naturally master the flow and vibe of a great first e-mail. You will fill your black book with the women of your dreams before you know it.

50 Pina Coladas. Generic Profile Narratives are no more boring.

A generic profile is the kiss of death online.

Most of the narratives you will see online are the same tired, shop-worn cliches.

All of the boring, unimaginative statements that make women yawn could be avoided. This guide is easy to read and entertaining.

Many men think they are being creative when they only think of what other men have already thought of.

Combine this with the Speak Up And Stand Out Method for a devastatingly powerful effect…eliminating the fifty most common recurring cliches and accentuating the WOW Factor all the way.

The Favoritizer is used. Offline organize your favorites list.

Every online dating site has a way for you to mark women who interest you. There are two major problems with using that feature as intended. and others show their users who they like the most. The signs of pre-approval are telegraphed to the women you want to meet most. That is ruining everything before you even give yourself a chance.

There is more you would like to keep track of in addition to whether you are interested in a woman or not. Most sites do not give you enough flexibility in that area.

Thanks to this simple, uncomplicated and very cool spreadsheet, you can now consider that problem solved. Keep the usernames of the hottest women on all the sites you are on in one place, along with how you rank them, where you are in the communications process with them, and more.

To make sure you are taking full advantage of every feature, there is a full User’s Guide included.

The first part of online dating dominance. There is a framework for becoming the most successful man at online dating.

Instead of going through the online dating learning curve, rocket to the head of the pack. If you want to measure your progress with a yardstick of relative success, don’t play the numbers game. You should know response rates to the e-mails you send. Without enduring long waits and endless tests, turn the lion’s share of those responses into real dates.

The smartest women will begin to write you first if you are the mastermind behind an online presence that is so compelling. When you get the attention of all the women out there, you have to know what to do.

It’s a good idea to learn how to do this over and over again. The intrigue, curiosity and even the admiration of the vast majority of the women you choose. Men fail at online dating. You will not.

There are steps to success in online dating.

In the second half of my 2.5 hour session on the core principles of Online Dating Domination 2.0, expect to learn expert level skills in weeding out fake and/or poisonous profiles even as you project great authenticity from your own profile as a man of confidence and extreme quality.

Become familiar with brand new concepts and strategies that change everything from crafting a user name to handling multiple accounts on different sites.

For years, keys to long-distance relationships have been kept under lock and key by the most experienced and effective guys online.

Your profile will capture the hearts and minds of particularly fantastic women, even as every e-mail you send underscores your desirability to them, if you possess an arsenal of knowledge and wisdom so advanced.

Next generation strategies for attracting and meeting the most desirable women in your metro area are advanced domination mastery

You will learn the latest strategies for online dating success in this fast-paced audio program. Each was born from actual 1-on-1 coaching sessions with real guys. You can expect field-tested, real-world solutions to real-world issues that are common to men worldwide.

A rapid stream of 100% original concepts that take profile writing, selection of women and e-mail messaging to the next level is what this audio flat-out overdelivers. Find out how you can beat the other guys who are taking steps to meet women online.

There are new ways to craft an online persona so powerful that women are compelled to respond. Decode a woman’s mind when it comes to your pictures and hers.

Eliminate Online Profile Writer’s Block once and for all if you speak up.

Your online profile needs to stand out in order to be noticed. It’s even better if it mirrors the tone of your first e-mails to women. Nobody can write a better profile for you than you can.

The problem is that most guys don’t know how to write a great profile.

Use the simple, objective steps in the exclusive Speak Up And Stand Out method to quickly and easily custom-craft an exciting and intriguing narrative that is 100% original and authentically yours.

Make sure you have a pen and paper with you at all times. There is a stream of proven online dating secrets so powerful that their cumulative effect equals an unfair advantage.

Heather Vale was able to get me to spill everything I have on the table without holding back. You would start getting a lot of competition on your online dating radar screen if every guy knew a quarter of what was in this hour-long interview alone.

Most guys will never leave you to dominate your metro area.

Heather Vale picked my brain for a real-life account of what it took to ramp up a fun and exciting social life using online dating.

She puts Emily on the hot seat as well. Emily was a complete whiz at online dating in her own right, so listen closely as she admits what her experiences were as a woman online as well as what she responded positively and not-so positively to men email her. In her own words, you can find out what she was looking for when she found him on

Turn the world’s most popular social media site into your playground by interacting with women on Facebook.

Compared to a typical dating site, Facebook is very different. You have to have a different strategy when it comes to attracting and communicating with women.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. In this audio program, you’ll discover the little-known and surprising ways you can expand your social circle of women on Facebook, all the while inspiring the women you already know to want to know you better.

You will discover exactly what to do when you meet a woman from your past, as a special bonus.

How online dating companies think.

If you could go behind the scenes of your favorite dating site and get to know the people who are running it, what would it be like?

The world’s premier conference for the online dating industry was where I spoke recently. I found some amazing secrets from those in the inner sanctum.

Why do free sites keep advertising the paid ones? If I told you that the major hook up sites have different purposes than you think, what would you think?

How could this x-ray vision into the management strategies of online dating sites add up to more women and more dates for you? In this exclusive audio, you can find out.

Online dating sites work to your advantage.

There are hidden secrets to how sites like work. Knowledge is power, and with this privileged information you will gain a clear edge over other guys as you begin to dominate your metro area online.

Only a few guys consistently and effectively take full advantage of the inner mechanics of online dating sites are invited into the inner sanctum.

You must ensure that the finest examples of your type of women in your metro area show up in your search results without fail if you want to appear at the top of women’s search results.

It is possible to get the most desirable women in record time without paying a single penny for online dating.

If you think it’s time for women to start messaging you first, then this audio is for you. Even if they have 200 messages in their inbox from other guys, they cannot resist finding out more about you. You get a step-by-step plan that will allow you to sit back, relax and watch the messages roll in from sexy, interested women.

You will gain all-new insight into the minds of scam artists so that you will always be aware of their latest underhanded tactics. You will know for sure when you hear from real women, even if they are the hottest ones in your area.

How to build an online dating profile that gets results.

In this video, you will learn how to build a profile that will get you in front of more women.

I used my own profile as a template and will walk you step-by-step through every aspect of why this profile helped me enjoy up to an 80% response rate up until the time I finally retired it after meeting Emily.

Having spent nearly four full years fine tuning what you are about to see, consider yourself on the gravy train to avoid endless trial and error changes.

You will be able to tailor your profile to fit your own style and personality using the transferrable principles I teach you. You should watch this video several times so you don’t miss anything.

The learning curve is shortening. Dave M. is aInsider Internet Dating.

My co-host does not need an introduction. Dave M.’s expertise in the subject of online dating, along with his utterly ridiculous track record of success, are world- renowned.

We’re going to give you a step-by-step plan to quickly become the one man in your entire metro area who is the best at attracting and going on real dates with the hottest women.

We both pulled it off, in separate major-league metro areas, but how you can overcome less than favorable checkbox statistics to become that guy.

With his innovative and strikingly effective online dating training methods, Adam Gilad has taken the world by storm.

Adam knows how to pick the right words and project the right attitude. Los Angeles, CA is one of the most competitive online dating markets on the planet.

He is the real deal, one time captivating a woman with his real-life profile in a national television show. You can sit in for a discussion with him about his best strategies for success with women online.

Joe Tracy is featured in Online Dating Magazine.

Joe Tracy’s name will appear near the top of the list if you type in online dating expert This is not an accident. The fact that his website is consistently in the top ten results for online dating is not related to that.

In a rare outside interview, Joe discusses the ins and outs of evaluating the many dating sites available to you, and how to ultimately choose which one is right for you.

It’s too easy to get started with online dating with this factor. Solid decision making is critical to achieving massive success as opposed to suffering bitter frustration.

Jerry Miller is the owner of was launched by Jerry Miller several years ago. Since then, Jerry’s name has become synonymous with the term niche dating site as his own has been bombarded by press coverage and showered with accolades from many happy members.

Find out when and why you should take full advantage of what niche sites have to offer. Tailor your approach to work miracles, research the ones that interest you, and enjoy massive success beyond your dreams.

Neil Ward is a Top Dating Coach.

Over the past several years, sites like PlentyOfFish and OKCupid have come on strong, so much so that guys in certain metro areas are reporting better success on them than on paid sites.

Neil Ward, the UK’s top dating coach, will show you how to get in on the party.

It is not only because it is free. It is possible to make your popularity explode with women onine on free sites. You can not do this on

Race and Kelly are successful on social media sites.

There are lots of hot women on social media sites. How do you get them off of your computer screen? Race and Kelly are two guys who are in a class by themselves when it comes to skills with women.

Imagine having started conversations with so many women online that you decide to throw a party for the top twenty or so of them, just so you can save time in the evaluation process. You can now get all of Race and Kelly’s knowledge for yourself, because that’s the level we’re talking about here.

You will hear about how these guys instantly got social proof on the social networking site.

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