Jim Smith – Combat Core Strength

Jim Smith – Combat Core Strength

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Discover the TOTAL Core Training System, Backed By Fitness Industry Leaders! Get Ripped, Lean Muscle With Quick Workouts Each Week!

These Never Before Seen, Brutally Effective
Exercises Will Produce Insane Results. Finally,
the Solution You’ve Been Looking For To
Get Jacked AND Prevent Injury!


Want To See Just a Few of the Core Ripping,
Muscle Building Exercises from Combat Core?
Check Out Mike Bruce Hitting a Quick
and Effective Training Session

By Jim Smith.

The most powerful abdominal exercises are known to the civilized world.

If you like training with non-conventional implements like kegs or thick ropes, then you should do it. The Combat Core. It has everything you imagined.

Never Be Bored Again!

Are you tired of doing the same abdominal exercises that you have been doing for years? For the last time, you have been lied to. If you want to stay injury free, you need to hit your personal best in the weightroom. They could lead to more injuries if they affect your posture and movements.

Whether you are an elite athlete who needs to improve performance or a person who wants to remain strong and fit, Combat Core has the answer you are looking for. You can reach your goals if you stop wasting time with bad form and the wrong exercises.

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All of these goals can be achieved if you know the right exercises!

Are you tired of being weak and stuck doing meaningless exercises to get stronger?

Are you tired of the abdominal program?

Are you frustrated because you are the weakest on the team?

You should know that if you train to be fit or an elite athlete.

All movement originates from the core and all power is created and amplified from having a rock solid torso

The core is the musculature from your knees to your chest.

This includes a lot of muscle groups.

All movement must be executed by these muscles.

If your core is weak, you won’t be able to execute in the gym or on the field.

If you wanted to train for real world functional core strength, then you should know how to do it. The Combat Core. Is for you!

“Combat” All the Myths About How to Develop Real Strength!

The goal is achieved. The Combat Core. Is to fight all of it. There are myths and misconceptions. You have been told about abdominal training. It is one of the most complete torso training references you can find. The musculature that supports and engages the torso is outlined. Trainers are missing the boat. They train the people or athletes to endless sets of meaningless exercises. They tell them to do heavy squats, deadlifts or compound movements.

They Couldn’t Be More Wrong!

Ground-based exercises require balance and coordination to develop real strength. Long, boring workouts are over. The Combat Core. The exercises show you how to increase the intensity of your workout, shorten the time and improve your results.

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Why should you listen to me?

 />I have been involved in strength training for over 18 years. I have written many strength, conditioning and fitness related articles which have been published on sites across the internet. I have written 4 highly renowned strength related manuals that have sold throughout the world. I have also competed in numerous amateur strongman competitions and co-created the US Grip Championships.</p><p> As a trainer, I have been dedicated to studying the development of athletes through the utilization of conventional and non-conventional training protocols, including; powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman, odd-objects, Russian kettlebells and grip strength training methodologies.</p><p> I have lectured at clinics, seminars and conferences for university strength programs, as well as for the NSCA.</p><p><strong>Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, (CSCS)</strong></p><p> I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development. </p><p><strong>Elite Q/A Staff Member</strong></p><p> I have been a proud member of the Elite Fitness Q/A Staff for over 2 years. Elite’s core values, vision and mission statement details a company who holds itself to the highest level when it comes to performance enhancement. The Elite Q/A Team is made up of the fitness industry leaders.</p><p><strong>Men’s Fitness Contributor</strong></p><p> I am a regularly featured expert trainer and contributor for the magazine, writing many articles on various fitness related topics. You can read about my training philosophies in their monthly publications.</p></p><p><img src=



The Combat Core DVD Set
Advanced Torso Training for Explosive Strength and Power

  • Detailed diagrams and actions for the muscles that make up the core
  • Detailed diagrams and actions for the muscles that make up the posterior chain
  • Sample torso strength training strategies and instruction on how to create your own routines
  • Complex ideas explained in simple, easy to understand pictures
  • This manual is over 170 pages of unique and innovative information
  • Exclusive Torso Strength Training Flow Chart depicting integrated torso movements, page 25-26
  • Save time, save money, all the guess work is removed with your customized workout sheets on page 179
  • On page 20, you’ll discover a rarely heard method for improving performance
  • How to turn a conventional medicine ball exercise into an ab shredder on page 78
  • Some of the Strongest Men in History

    Some of the most powerful men who ever lived were the pound-for-pound strongmen. Physical culturalists and strongmen such as Eugen Sandow, Arthur Saxon, Otto Arco, Gustav Fristensky, Fred Rollon, Louis Cyr and Carl Busch displayed inhuman levels of strength and power. They traveled the country and put on strongman shows, wrestled and engaged in other sporting endeavors. The bent press, overhead support lifts, cable and strand pulling, swings, bridging feats, bending feats, the backlift, gymnastics, hand balancing and many others were performed by these men.

     /></p><p> Also, revered Olympic weightlifters of recent history such as Vasily Alexeyev, Leonid Taranenko, Gennady Ivanchenko, Alexey Medvedev, Norbert Schemansky and Andrey Chemerkin, broke many records in the clean & jerk, snatch and Olympic press that were thought to be unbreakable! Without a doubt, the weightlifting protocol is brutal as the classic lifts and the many transitional movements are done explosively, targeting the entire body and building incredible levels of strength!</p><p><img src=

    All of these strongmen have something in common. The levels are insane. The core. Strength! They didn’t get it by doing crunches, they didn’t get it by wearing a belt, and they didn’t get it by hanging out on a wobble board. They developed their torso strength and stability by engaging in compound movements, using a variety of implements and odd-objects that required every muscle group to work together at the same time to execute complex movements.

    The Combat Core. The old-school methods for developing ferocious power and insane intensity for moving serious weight and punching harder will be shown.

    That is real strength.

    Take An Exclusive Look Inside Combat Core With This Video Featuring Rob Pilger!

    The Combat Core eBook
    Advanced Torso Training for Explosive Strength and Power

    Combat Core is an instantly downloadable e-book, jam packed with the most innovative, never-before-seen, arsenal of abdominal strength training exercises. There is no fluff, no BS – just all content. Whether you are an athlete or want to train like an athlete at the highest level, Combat Core will help you to achieve strength levels you’ve never imagined.

    Note: Combat Core and all of its bonuses are digital products. No physical products will be shipped.



    This newly released Combat Core DVD Set is the final piece to the Combat Core system. It is a 2-disc set running almost 2 1/2 hours and includes over 140 of the most innovative and intensive torso training exercises ever seen.


     /></p><h3><strong>Check Out What 3 Time Golden Gloves Champion and Renowned Strength Coach Rob Pilger Has to Say!</strong></h3><p> </p><p></p><p>________________________________________________________________</p><div><strong>Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll discover when you download your copy of <em>Combat Core</em> today:</strong></div><ul type=

    Watch this never before seen inside peek at just of a few of the incredible exercises contained in Combat Core . L-sit rotations, the Heavy Bag Series , windshield wipers and Core Statics are all demonstrated in this innovative video.

     /></p><div><strong>Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll discover when you download your copy of <em>Combat Core</em> today:</strong></p><p><img src=


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