An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition
An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition
Christopher F. Baum’s An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition, is a great reference for anyone who wants to learn Stata programming.Baum assumes readers have some familiarity with Stata, but readers who are new to programming will find the book accessible. He begins by introducing programming concepts and basic tools. More advanced programming tools such as structures and pointers and likelihood-function evaluators using Mata are gradually introduced throughout the book alongside examples.Many of the examples are of particular interest because they arose from frequently asked questions from Stata users. If you want to understand basic Stata programming or want to write your own routines and commands using advanced Stata tools, Baum’s book is a great reference.
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Best Sellers Rank | #960,216 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store) #602 in Probability & Statistics (Kindle Store) #2,292 in Programing Languages & Tools #2,874 in Introductory & Beginning Programming |
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