An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)

An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)

Praise for the first edition:? superb, beautifully written and organized work that takes an engineering approach to systems biology. Alon provides nicely written appendices to explain the basic mathematical and biological concepts clearly and succinctly without interfering with the main text. He starts with a mathematical description of transcriptional activation and then describes some basic transcription-network motifs (patterns) that can be combined to form larger networks. ? Nature[This text deserves] serious attention from any quantitative scientist who hopes to learn about modern biology ? It assumes no prior knowledge of or even interest in biology ? One final aspect that must be mentioned is the wonderful set of exercises that accompany each chapter. ? Alon?s book should become a standard part of the training of graduate students. ? Physics TodayWritten for students and researchers, the second edition of this best-selling textbook continues to offer a clear presentation of design principles that govern the structure and behavior of biological systems. It highlights simple, recurring circuit elements that make up the regulation of cells and tissues. Rigorously classroom-tested, this edition includes new chapters on exciting advances made in the last decade.Features:Includes seven new chaptersThe new edition has 189 exercises, the previous edition had 66 Offers new examples relevant to human physiology and diseaseThe book website including course videos can be found here:


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Editorial Reviews


Alon’s book is the ideal counterargument to the idea that organisms are inherently human-opaque: it directly demonstrates the human-understandable structures which comprise real biological systems.

A good book. Everything is clearly illustrated and presented. It’s easy to follow a tough subject.

Praise for the first edition.

The author succeeds in explaining in an intellectually exciting way what the cell does and what degrees of freedom enable it to function. the author succeeds in explaining in an intellectually exciting way what the cell does and what degrees of freedom enable it to function. An appealing and inspiring overview of biology is what he draws the detailed together into. The training of graduate students in biological physics should include Alon?s book. Nigel Goldenfeld is a professor at the University of Illinois. It’s physics today. June 2007. The work takes an engineering approach to systems biology. He does an excellent job of explaining and motivating engineering models and methods using network-based controls. Eric Werner is from the University of Oxford. Nature. There is a new edition of Vol. The March 29, 2007, edition of 446 was published. I read an elegant book without stopping. The novice who reads this book can move on immediately to research literature, armed with a grasp of the many connections between diverse phenomena, because he perceives and explains so many simple regularities. Philip Nelson is from the University of Pennsylvania. ?? Beyond simply recount recent results, Alon articulates the basic principles underlying biological circuitry at different levels and shows how powerful they can be in understanding the complexity of living cells. This book is essential for anyone who wants to understand how a living cell works. The California Institute of Technology is in Pasadena, USA. Uri Alon offers a highly original perspective on systems biology, emphasizing the function of certain simple networks that appear as ubiquitous building blocks of living matter. Boris Shraiman is from the University of California, Santa Barbara. The book introduces a way of thinking and a field. The principles of stability, robustness and optimal design can be used to analyze and understand the evolution and behavior of living organisms. Even to a naive reader, Alon?s clear intuitive language and helpful examples offer deep mathematical insights into biology. The community has been waiting for this book. Galit Lahav is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School.

–This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

About the Author

There is a person named Uri Alon. He is the systems biology professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

–This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

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Best Sellers Rank

#764,305 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store) #136 in Biotechnology (Kindle Store) #242 in Biomedical Engineering #245 in Bioinformatics (Books)

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