Lippincott Nursing Procedures
Lippincott Nursing Procedures
Publisher?s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Lippincott Nursing Procedures, 8e, is a start-to-finish guide to more than 400 nursing procedures–from basic to advanced. This reference outlines every procedure, lists equipment, details each step, and includes rationales and cautions to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes. Concise, clear content targets key information needed to perform nursing procedures safely and accurately at the bedside. Tips, alerts, checklists, illustrations, and tables provide clarity and quick access to key procedural information. Organized alphabetically for easy accessibility, the book includes basic and advanced procedures on key topics, including infection control, specimen collection, physical treatments, drug administration, IV therapy, and hemodynamic monitoring, as well as procedures related to body systems such as chest tubes, peripheral nerve stimulation, and intra-abdominal pressure monitoring.
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